BruAbba Week Time Boyyyyyyyysssss (Day 2)

957 31 47

Prompts: domestic, family, or comfort

!!!!! please understand that this shit art is not my full ability and the nearest BruAbba doodle I had on hand, I can do better I promise!!!!

Anyways ready for wine mom Abbacchio and soccer mom Bruno??? Cuz I sure as hell am!

Family BruAbba AU or as I like to call it "Daddy Day Care but Make it Gay"


Bruno hadn't slept in forty-three hours which was kinda bad considering he was going to be in charge of thirteen tiny kids tomorrow. Thirteen tiny kids incapable of doing anything by themselves. 

The black-haired man sighed aloud, banging his head softly against his kitchen counter

He needed an assistant and he needed one fast. Bruno had severely underestimated the daycare life. 

His face still pressed against the cold tile he reached a hand out to shift through the small stack of papers that sat in front of him. 

He'd only gotten four or five applications which made it even worse. Most of the people looked like they either did multiple different types of drugs on a daily basis or would end up killing one of the kids within the first thirty minutes. 

But when Bruno reached the sixth applicant he froze, sitting up in his chair once more to get a better view of the candidate's picture. 

"Dad?" Whispered Narancia's voice from the entrance to their kitchen. 

Bruno shook his head and rubbed the drowsiness from his eyes as he turned to face the boy. 

"Narancia." Chided Bruno, getting up from his chair over to his son. "What are you doing out of bed?" He asked, picking Narancia up from the ground. 

"You looked stressed." Replied Naranica nonchalantly as Bruno carried him to his bedroom. 

The blue-eyed man shifted Naranica in his arms as he opened the door to the boy's room with one hand. 

"Don't worry," Smiled Bruno, laying Narancia on his bed and tucking in his airplane inspired bed sheets. "Dad's got it all figured out." 

Narancia smiled in understanding, closing his eyes. 


Abbacchio rolled down the window of his 1976 Vega, looking at the medium-sized house in front of him. 

It appeared to be two-storied and very clean. The driveway leading up to two garage doors was covered in miscellaneous toys and chalk drawings. 

Oh how Abbacchio loathed kids, but this was the only job that'll take him and he needs the money. 

He begrudgingly rolled his window back up and got out of his car, strutting up to the door of the house, his hands in his pockets. 

The soft chime of the doorbell sounded throughout the house as Abbacchio waited on the front steps. Shouts answered the melody from behind the door as the lock clicked and the entrance swung open to reveal a very tired young man, balancing a toddler on his hip, while combing a hand through his raven-black hair to try and straighten it out. 

Abbacchio presumed this was Bruno, according to the job description he read, except instead of happily smiling with thirteen other kids like they were posing for a class photo, this Bruno looked like he hadn't slept in weeks with bags under his eyes. His messy black bangs pulled back in a small ponytail. His blue eyes which seemed so cheerful and proud in the photo now seemed dead inside as he glanced at Abbacchio. 

A white jacket was tied around his waist which somewhat matched his crumpled black t-shirt. His jeans were ripped but Abbacchio guessed they didn't start out like that along with his sliders, the under armor logo falling off. 

The man looked Abbacchio up and down once till he seemed to remember to smile, and opened the door wider for Leone to come inside. 

"Sorry about the mess," Apologized Bruno as he kicked a plastic steam roller to the side with his foot. "It's been hard without another person to help with the kids." 

Abbacchio hummed in response looking around the small living room. 

A small couch was against one wall, and sitting on one of the throw pillows was a small five-year-old boy with pink hair, messing around with one of those fisher price chatter telephones Abbacchio was sure he had when growing up. A girl sat on the couch next to him saying nothing to him. 

A TV was playing Spongebob reruns while three more kids watch on the floor, while one eight-year-old was trying to read a book to his friend. 

One kid with a red and white biking helmet was shooting his nerf gun at a kid with blue hair who looked like he was at his snapping point. 

Me too, tiny kid... Me too.

"Hey Mista, quit it, Ghiaccio isn't a target!" Bruno snapped putting the kid on his hip back on the ground. 

"Abbacchio, right?" He asked, turning to face him. 


"Great!" The man clapped, turning to face the thirteen small children running around the living room. 

"Everybody, we've got a new friend joining us!" Smiled Bruno as all thirteen kids turned to face Abbacchio who's stomach suddenly filled with dread. 

for the money. Abbacchio thought to himself as the kids started to bombard the young man with questions. 

"Why is your hair like that?" Asked a boy with long blonde hair, his bangs curled into three donut-like shapes on his head. 

Abbacchio fought back the urge to mock his hairstyle and instead tried his best to smile. "I like it the way it is." He muttered through his teeth. 

"That's Giorno." Laughed Bruno, as he pointed to several other kids. 

"and that's Mista and Ghiaccio over there." He smiled, pointing to the boy with the helmet and the other with blue hair. 

"Fugo and Narancia." He continued pointing to the one boy who still held his book in his hand and the other sitting next to him. "Melone, Prosicuttio, and Formaggio," He pointed towards the trio next to the TV. 

"Pesci, Illuso, Rissoto." Three boys looked up at the sound of their names from the board game they were playing. 

"And siblings Doppio and Trish." He finished, pointing to the pair on the couch. 

Abbacchio looked over them all once more. They were all so... So tiny. Abbacchio could easily throw one out the window with one hand if he wanted too 

But at the same time, Abbacchio felt his cold heart move when seeing how proud Bruno was of his kids (Except for that Giorno kid, Abbacchio's hair was Gucci, how dare someone insult it)

The day continued, Bruno showing Abbacchio the ropes and how to properly take care of children. Until today Abbacchio had never realized how shit he was with kids, and he was glad Bruno was there to help him. 

Bruno waved the last kid goodbye as the sun went down when he turned to face Abbacchio. 

"Well I better head home, thanks for the job opportunity." sighed Abbacchio, fixing his hair. 

"Wait..." Smiled Bruno. "How about you stay for dinner?" He suggested, untying his jacket from his waist and throwing it over his shoulders. "We could talk more about work?" 

Abbacchio thought about it, smiling at Bruno. "Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that." 


Hahhahahah I hate this one, but I was already 1,000 words down the hole and didn't want to start over, I'm sorry this one's so weird. Anyways, have a good day, stay safe! 

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