Bruabba Week Time Boyyyssss (Day 3)

799 22 2

Prompts: Music, Dancing, or future

So Fugo can play the piano according to PHF but what if Abba could play the violin???? Just sayin'


"You played the violin?" Asked Fugo, bewildered as he stared at the photo in front of him. Narancia snorted, spitting out his drink as he turned to look at Abbacchio. 

Abbacchio rolled his eyes, setting his glass down. "Back when I was in law enforcement, yes..." 

The gothic man sighed as he glanced at the photo sitting on their coffee table. Only a few hours prior Bruno had suggested the group did some spring cleaning in the base they were staying at for the time being and now the four of them sat, drinking tea and looking through old boxes of junk. 

Mista had somehow got his grubby hands on an old framed photo of a hopeful looking Leone. His eyes glinting with triumph as he played the instrument that sat on his shoulder, the bow grazing the violin's strings and drawing out a fast-paced melody. 

Abbacchio could almost hear the small crowd clapping politely for his solo as he sat back down with his chamber orchestra, his hands cradling the delicate wood of his instrument. God, how he'd completely forgotten about the violin. It was probably collecting dust, long forgotten in his parent's attic. 

"You should play!" Smiled Narancia, setting his cup on the coffee table and leaning towards Abbacchio, when Bruno coughed from the entrance to the kitchen, making his presence known. 

"You three should get back to cleaning, I want the upstairs to be spotless." he interrupted with a smirk, stretching his back as he faced his crew. "This place isn't going to clean itself you know..."

Narancia looked back and forth between Abbacchio and Bruno, pouting, as Fugo glanced at Mista and they both exchanged a brief nod. 

"Come on Narancia, the quicker we clean upstairs the quicker you get to hear Abbacchio play the violin." Convinced Fugo, setting the photo back on the table Mista had set it on. 

Narancia groaned but begrudgingly followed the two other men back upstairs dragging his feet along the carpeted steps. 

Once gone, Bruno turned to Abbacchio, raising an eyebrow. "Violin huh?" 

"Yeah..." Smiled Abbacchio sheepishly, staring at the teacup in front of him. 

A silence passed between the two as Bruno leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen and Abbacchio glanced around the living room. 

"I'd love to hear you play..." Bruno spoke up, quietly smiling. 

"I've probably forgotten everything by now and where would I even fin-" Abbacchio excused when Bruno shushed him, moving closer to the sofa.

Bruno unzipped a hole in the couch and reached in, pulling out a polished black case. 

"Don't question where I got it." He smiled, handing the instrument to Abbacchio. He paused once more, glancing up at the man. "Please... Leone." 

Abbacchio sighed, knowing he couldn't deny Bruno. He didn't like to admit it but he had a soft spot for the mafioso. 

He unlatched the case, squinting at the polished wood of the violin as he assembled the neckpiece and tightened the bow, bringing the instrument up to his chin. 

He hadn't played in so long. What would Bruno think if he sounded like absolute shit? 

Abbacchio took a deep breath and drew the bow across the string. The case hadn't come with any rosin, the bow sounding crunchy against the strings, but he ignored it, continuing with tuning the violin. 

E, A, D, G, strings each one making a unique sound that Abbacchio could so easily recognize from so many years of mastering the instrument. 

Leone paused, trying to think of any songs he remembered. 

He vaguely recalled the first notes of Ninna Nanna but it would be embarrassing if he messed up such a simple nursery rhythm...

His hands decided before his brain could as he began to play the soft upbeat melody of the song on an evening in Roma to the black-haired man before him. 

Bruno quickly recognized the song and began to hum along with him, tapping his shoe to the beat, while Abbacchio's fingers moved up and down the fingerboard. His brain moved to autopilot as he stared at Bruno's smiling face. 

humming quickly turned into singing as the blue-eyed man got up from his seat and swayed side to side, almost seeming to invite Abbacchio to join him. 

Abbacchio stood up, relaxing more into playing while Bruno moved closer to him, singing louder. He grabbed Abbacchio's hips, trying his best to dance with him while he performed. Abbacchio blushed at the movement but tried his best not to get distracted. oh, fuck he loved Bruno. 

"Sott'er Celo de Roma~" Sang Bruno, pushing the violin away from Abbacchio, ceasing the music as he pulled him into an embrace, pulling himself to Abbacchio's chest. 

Abbacchio blushed wrapping his arms weakly around Bruno's torso while the man continued to sing in his ear. 

"On an evening Roma~" He finished, leaning into the man and kissed him gently on the side of his lips. 

Abbacchio melted from the almost kiss and smiled, cupping Bruno's face in his hands as he filled the gap between them once more gently pressing his lips against Bruno's.  


Narancia, Fugo and Mista are just watching from the staircase like "Huh didn't know it did that." 

All of my writing for this week has been terrible!!! But hopefully, we'll get back on track to your regularly organized GyJo soon! Still, I love my mafia dads. I am truly sorry for the quality of these chapters, but combined with needed one of these each day and my online school work has been a lot, I hope you understand! (Also sorry this is so late, I had to write it at 110:08 I know) 

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