Passione High School AU (BruAbba)

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Giorno was so far enjoying his new school that he'd transferred to a week ago. He'd already started making friends. There was Bruno, Fugo, Narancia, Mista, the newest transfer student, Trish who'd started going to Giorno's school three days after he did and... Abbacchio. 

It was safe to say Giorno and Abbacchio didn't get along, but a certain black-haired boy was determined to change that. 

Giorno was currently in a deep conversation about frogs with one of his new friends, Fugo when Bruno grabbed him by the hood of his purple jacket and pulled him behind the bleachers. 

"Look, Giorno." Sighed the blue-eyed boy as he peaked in between the panels of the bleachers. Giorno was confused as he looked between Fugo and Bruno. 

"Oh," Said Fugo, moving to the other side of Bruno. "This again..."

"What do you mean, 'this again'?" Asked Giorno as he turned to look at Fugo who rolled his eyes at Bruno. 

"He does this every now and then," Fugo pointed in between the bleachers to the soccer goal that sat in the field. Slouching against the net was the gothic man himself, Leone Abbacchio. His long white hair falling against his leather jacket. 

The sky was getting dark, Giorno could tell it was about it rain. 

"Does what?" Asked Giorno, still confused. 

"Stalks Abbacchio." Smiled Fugo. 

"I do not!" Yelled Bruno, glaring at Fugo. "I just wanted to show you that Leone can be nice some times..."

"Some times." retorted Fugo, hiding his smile. 

Bruno rolled his eyes, his gaze turning back to Abbacchio. "I'm telling you, Leone can be nice!" He exclaimed, leaning against the bleachers. "One time me, Narancia, and him all went to the beach and this middle school soccer team got their ball stuck in a tree." Bruno retold. "So Abbacchio got it down for them, and it was so sweet!" He swooned, a dopey smile grazing his lips. 

He looked at the ground, suddenly quite. "Sure one of the middle schoolers punched him in the gut really hard bu-" Fugo cut him off with a laugh and Bruno glared at him. 

"That still doesn't change the fact Abbacchio's an ass Buccellati." Sighed Fugo, looking back out the bleachers. 

"Ah-ha!" Exclaimed Bruno. "Just wait! Today he got in a fight with Zucchero and he's going to apologize. He told me all about it." Zucchero... Giorno's heard that name before, he's sure of it. Wasn't he that guy Narancia challenged to a dance battle?

The raven-haired boy looked back out at the soccer field. He knew Leone wasn't as bad as he seemed. When they were back in middle school leone was all but mean to everyone around him, he wanted to make the world a better place, leave an impact on this world. 

But something changed in him, Bruno couldn't quite tell what it was but he always had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with his discovery of My Chemical Romance. 

Giorno looked out at the sky, he was sure it was going to rain now. 

"Look, here he comes!" Pointed Bruno as a man with green hair walked out to greet Leone. Leone slouched his back even more, probably to show off how tall he can be if he wanted to. 

Giorno raised a confused eyebrow at Fugo who just smiled and shook his head. The red-eyed teen mouthed the words "puppy love" at Giorno as he turned his gaze back to Zucchero and Abbacchio. 

Bruno, Fugo, and Giorno all watched silently as Zucchero ambled over to Abbacchio. The green-haired teen raised out his hand as if asking for something. Abbacchio walked the rest of the way to meet him, his lanky legs stretching out as he moved.

"see Giorno he's not to bad." Said Bruno. Giorno turned his gaze towards the leader of his friend group. 

"Just goes to say not everyone you think is an asshole."

"But he is an asshole." Said Fugo, jumping into the conversation. 

"But he's my asshole," Bruno answered lovingly, turning back to Giorno. 

"Leone may be a little violent." Winced Bruno. "But he's still a good man deep dow-" Bruno was once again cut off by Fugo's laugh as he pointed out at the soccer field. 

"A 'little violent' you say?" Bruno turned around to watch Zucchero fall to the ground from one of Abbacchio's punches. The teen curling into himself as the goth man kicked him in the side, spitting on him and yelling some incoherent speech. 

"Asshole or not Buccellati," Smiled Fugo, turning away from Abbacchio's "squabble" with Zucchero. "He's still a prick." Bruno rolled his eyes. 

"Fine but know that he is-"

"Buccellati?" Rumbled Abbacchio's deep voice as the three jumped in surprise. How'd he make it over here this quick? 

"Oh, Abbacchio!" Gasped Bruno. "I had no clue you were over here!"

"I just heard Fugo call me a prick." 


"Well uh-!" Exclaimed Fugo, his eyes wide in fear. "Giorno you said something about a fire-bellied toad!" Fugo came up with a quick excuse, grabbed Giorno's arm and dragging him away from the two. "Sounds interesting, tell me more!" 

Abbacchio turned his gaze away from the pair back to Bruno. 

"hi." Bruno laughed awkwardly.

"hi." Smiled Abbacchio. 



Sorry, this was short but zooweemama since I'm in quarantine I have more time to write and it's the greatest. Sorry for not updating my Good Omens book I know a lot of people have been asking when the next chapter will be out, but I'm finishing up on the next chapter. 

Also expect to see more of this AU in this book but with different ships, I actually have quite a few ideas for it. 

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