Chapter 2

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"Someone's at the door for you", my Aunt shouted across the house. The house wasn't very big to begin with so the volume she used was noticeably unneeded. But anything my aunt could do that had the possibility of hurting me, she did.

After the death of my Mom in a hit and run, Dads decline into depression, and later mysterious disappearance, she hated the sight of me. She thought I was "bad luck".

She might not be wrong considering anyone I get close to eventually stops talking and being friends with me at some point.

Everyone except Seth, my best friend. Who was currently at the door.

I raced around the corner in time to catch the front door that my aunt had let go in order to leave the room quickly.

"I really don't know why she hates you so much" Seth said with a confused look after he saw my aunt scurry away, so she didn't have to see me.

She, however, was to slow for me to not see the dark purple of resentment on her wings.

"Probably because she's jealous I have a friend like you while she has no one." I replied with a sarcastic smile.

"I heard that!"

We quickly ran to his car to get to school while giggling to ourselves. I had my license but couldn't afford a car, so I rode my bike everywhere. I never ask Seth for a ride but he just shows up in order to, and I quote, "make sure my evil aunt hasn't murdered me and hidden my body somewhere in those creepy ass woods".

While lost in my thoughts Seth parked in his spot at school.

"Ready for another day of hell?" Seth asked.

"No, but thankfully we only have a few more weeks till graduation " I groaned.

Even though Seth was complaining his "wings" were bright yellow with happiness.

"You looking forward to seeing someone?" I asked because his wings had gotten brighter and brighter the closer we got to school.


I shrugged and got out, knowing that Seth would eventually spill on who the person was. But I made a mental note to myself to pay attention to who he talks to today.

Our schedules were sadly not the same, we only had our chemistry and math class together. I managed to make it in time to sit in my desk just when the bell started to ring.

First hour I had art and so I usually didn't talk at all to anyone. I was very quiet unless I was around close friends (aka Seth because he was my only friend).

Seth thinks I'm so quite because of my "abusive aunt", but he doesn't understand that she's not abusive, she just either ignores or yells at me so I learned to just stay quiet and out of people's way.

I don't think she's mean on purpose, just angry and takes it out on the people around her, which is usually me.

The school day passed pretty much the same as it usually does, except for hearing we were apparently getting a new student, but it's always a relief to hear the final bell ending the school day.

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