Chapter 31

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Considering I was never home when I lived with my aunt, this isolation in essentially one room was killing me.

I always avoided being home with my aunt by going to the park or the library or something, and being forced indoors with nothing possibly to do was going to cause me to cave to my father's demands sooner rather than later.

I had even tried moving the furniture just so I could preoccupy my mind with doing something.

Turns out they had managed to bolt down everything to the floor.

They slid my food through a slot that was in the door, so I didn't even see get to see anyone who came to give me food. The food was the same every time, so it wasn't like I was looking forward to seeing what I got to eat next. It was the same porridgey crap every time.

I spent most of my time either pacing or thinking about Domick.

What did that symbol on his forehead exactly do and/or mean?

Is he ever going to go back to normal?

What would it take to escape here? Can we?

As the days went on and my mind slowly deteriorated without the normal simulation, the deal my father gave me started to look better and better.

I was about to agree to do anything just to leave this place.

Just as I was about to finally knock to get their attention and admit defeat, the door opened.

I turned towards the door from where I was rocking with my arms around my knees on the middle of the couch to see a group of people that were following each other in a single-file-line, heading straight for me.

They were in maroon colored robes that hid their identity from me, hoods covering their faces, all I could tell was that there were four of them. They actually had wings though, unlike everyone else I'd seen here.

I jumped up to get further away from them, after all, they didn't look like they were here to rescue me.

But I was too slow.

One of them grabbed me around my middle, trapped my arms and pulled me up against a seemingly male body. I struggled but they just tightened their arms till I could barely breathe, tucked up against them.

Once I stopped wiggling, they loosened their iron grip.

One of the robed figures stepped in front of me. "So, this is the girl causing so much trouble." She seemed to be female with her high-toned voice, "Have to say, I don't see why."

My face flushed red with anger. "Well, it's not like I want to be here."

She seemed to just observe me from under her hood before replying, "Your father seems convinced you can help our cause."

I scoffed, "I want nothing to do with this cause, I just want to leave."

"Hmmm. Well let's see what you can even do in the first place." She stepped back and I was suddenly laid back on the couch and held down.

"No, no don't!" I pleaded as I fought against the hands holding me down. A hand reached towards my face and I flinched away to face the door.

The door silently opened, and a hulking shape stepped in.

At first, I thought it was Lee with how big he was but after noticing the darker, longer hair. I realized it was Domick.

I felt a spark of hope, but it was doused when I remembered how he reacted the first time I had asked him to help escape.

A hand grabbing the back of my curls, forcing me to face them brought me back to the present.

Since there was a hand in my hair, they had to let go of one of my arms, so with the now free one I quickly grabbed some feathers out of the man holding me down wings and yanked as many as I could. Anything to try and get away. Usually I don't use my 'abilities' when around other people, but I wasn't thinking rationally at this point.

The man released me and took a step back in pain. I sat there in shock at actually being free before an explosion erupted across my cheek.

I cradled my cheek in shock, the man had backhanded me.

I thought I heard a roar but wasn't sure if I had imagined it in my ringing ears.

The other robed figures had been just standing in a half-circle around me as I struggled but stepped back when they turned to face the doorway.

I followed their gaze to see Domick barreling towards the one who hit me. He grabbed him by the neck and raised his fist as if to punch him but was stopped before he could by his tattoo lighting up on his forehead.

Behind him my father stepped in the room.

"So?" He directed his question towards the robed female.

While everyone waited for her answer, she calmly stepped up and touched my temples for a few seconds. My head throbbed and I was still too shocked to react.

"This leaves me much to think about." And with that final statement they swished out of the room like they had entered, in a single-file-line.

Hey peeps,

Here's the chapter, enjoy!!😽

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Till next chapter....😻😽

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