Chapter 18

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"I can't believe you actually threw him."

Domick laughed and looked up at me from where he was sitting on the park's ground.

Domick had of course gotten suspended, but at least so had Aubrey and Christian. Seth had almost swooned when I told him how Domick had defended me. Even though he didn't really have much to defend me from.

It had only been a spitball, but it's the thought that counts.

"It fine, I'm only out for 3 days."

He got up off the ground and wrapped his arms and wings around me. "I'm just thinking about what I'll do now that I have nothing to do since you'll be at school."

I shrugged and tightly hugged his waist back. "I guess you'll need to find a different hobby besides stalking me." I teased.

"What made you think that." He questioned as he quickly stepped out of my embrace.

"I was joking."

Why did he overreact like that.

Has he really...

"You haven't actually been stalking me, have you?" I asked suspiciously.

"Ummmm, no..." I stared him down till he sighed, "Fine, I'll stop starting now."

Hold up.

"Ummm... why the heck were you before? Wait, wait, wait, have you really been watching me or just following me around town without me knowing?"

I should probably be a lot madder than I was. But I was secretly hoping he was just 'stalking' me to make sure I got home safely, that would be sweet in a creepy type of way. Really creepy, but sweet.

"Well, I did it because..."Domick stopped his explanation. "It's about time we talk."

"Talk about what?" He was causing me to worry a little with his serious expression and the fact his wings were pure black now, not giving me a hint at his emotions.

He sighed, "How about we go somewhere more private than the park."

"We can go over there." I pointed at a shaded bench that had no one else around it. "But you're crazy to think I'm going 'somewhere private' when you just admitted to stalking me."


We quickly sat down and he grabbed my hands.

Why is he always trying to hold my hands.

"I'm going to tell you something you probably don't want to hear, but you need to understand what's going on." He grasped my hands even tighter and inhaled.

"Here we go." He mumbled. "So, I know you can see certain things."

Wha- How did he know?

I tried yanking my hands out to get away from him. Key word tried.

"No, tha-tha- you're crazy. I'm completely normal. Why would you ever think that." I quickly rushed out and pulled at my hands harder. "Let me go."

Domick passively stared at me as I struggled. "Kira calm down, it's okay."

His words didn't process through the fog of panic in my mind.

What was he going to do with this information.

He doesn't have evidence, right?

How did he know?

I didn't even notice I was shaking and gasping for air, until Domick let go of my hands and hugged me to him in order to try and calm me down.

"It's okay."

I wanted to leave quickly so I could sort out my thoughts of somebody finally knowing my biggest secret but wasn't sure how to get away from Domick to do it.

I knew there was a reason I choose to stay at the park.

"HELP! He-He's seizing!" I screamed.

I solidified his wings to be able to grip them so he couldn't move off me. He started twitching with pain and confusion, and that helped my case of saying he was seizing.

People ran over and I rolled us off the bench on to the ground.

"Someone roll him over and unzip his jacket so he doesn't choke." I think this is what you are supposed to do when people are having seizures.

I felt bad but yanked out feathers on my way up to keep him immobilized on the ground with pain so I could get away. 

As people bent down to check him out to help him, I quickly ran towards my bike and peddled back home.

My aunt was surprisingly still home, not out on an 'errand' like usual, even more surprisingly was when she saw me walk in, she didn't immediately leave the room. Her wings were blue with fear right now, not the purple resentment they usually were.

"Kira." She spit out, "I don't want you seeing that boy anymore. He's just not normal."

She never speaks to me and when she finally does it's just to tell me not to hang out with someone I genuinely like.

"I'll be up in my room" I finally sighed out after staring at her in astonishment for the nerve she had to say that to me.

"I'm serious Kira, if I ever see you two together again, you'll wish you were never sent here in the first place." She threatened.

"I already do!" I burst out.

Instead of exploding my bottled-up emotions on my aunt some more, I slammed my door shut in anger.

I slid down to the floor and put my head in my hands.

When did my life suddenly become so crazy.

It had never been quite normal per see, but not this crazy till a certain someone had caught my interest, and I caught his, Domick.

Oh Domick, what are we going to do.

Maybe I should hear him out, it was probably about time someone knew what I could do, and apparently he already knew anyway.

I'll wait till after his suspension though, give us some time apart to think without crowding each other.
Hey peeps!

We are finally starting to get to the good stuff!!
Sorry if the seizure part doesn't make much sense, I had literally asked Siri and we all know how trustworthy she is!😸

Or he in my case, teehee😽
Sorry android users.

Sooooo much love for you peeps😻😻

Thank you to even the 'ghost readers' (that's what I call the people who read but don't comment or vote) it makes me feel good to see that more and more people are viewing my story!

I greatly appreciate all of you and hope you vote and comment.

Much love to all my peeps😽😽😽😻😻😻

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