10 - Struggles

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After moving everything to the truck and getting everything packed. I found that Ryan and Vivian were thick as thieves in the back seat of the car. She did not do much in the way of helping. I think my mother wanted her here just in case Uncle Ben showed up. I was putting the last box in the back of the truck when I felt the chills go down my spine. I snapped straight up and turned around and sure enough there standing at the tailgate of the truck was Uncle Ben. And my heart stopped in my chest, I hadn't seen him since the day I left with Grey and I wasn't sure how he felt about that. He looked at me with a different look than I had ever seen before.

"You have more power than we could have ever of dreamed. I mean I knew you were powerful and I was sure that when we signed the papers for the potion it would allow me some access to your binding, but unfortunately, we planted the seed in your mind too late." He frowned and held a hand out to me. Wither to help me down from the truck or to take me to his car I wasn't sure. But either way, I knew that I did not want to take it. I looked to the door and Grey was still inside in the dorm room, trying to finish up getting the rest of it inboxes.

"She's not going anywhere with you." I felt the tension leave me shoulders as Vivian stepped up into the truck next to me. If there was anyone who could stand up to my Uncle it was Vivian. My Uncle's smile turned sour and he looked from me to the blonde next to me.

"And who is this? Making new friends?" I fought the urge to tell Vivian to leave.

"Vivian is part of my coven." My voice as stronger than what I felt and his eyes flashed a dangerous shade. I looked to Vivian worried about her life but she didn't seem worried. I wanted Grey, I wanted him so badly at this moment. I was more than capable of protecting myself if I had to, but this was my uncle the man who raised me, although it was because he refused to give me back to my mother, but he still raised me kindly. That I should at least be thankful for. He could have been cruel and I would have never known I had another choice.

"You have a coven? I don't think they deserve you and your power. They feed off of you I'm sure." He waved a hand a Vivian like she was of no importance.

"I have had my power much longer than our Evie has had her, and I am supremely more confident that you need her to feed off of because you have wasted your power...on what I don't care, but you have, you wasted them and now you want them to be replaced....you want to take Evie's powers to feed them into yourself." My uncle's face turned a shade of red I had never seen before and I saw the attack coming before she did. I threw my hands out in a panicked gesture and the burst of power that came from me surprised me and my uncle. It knocked him backward from the bed of the truck and the resounding echo of the building cause the rest of the coven to come running out of the building. They could feel it if magic was used, I jumped down from the bed behind Vivian. She rushed around the side as my uncle was rolling to his side, trying to get his breath back. Grey's eyes settled on my uncle and then they flicked to me and he opened his arms and I didn't hesitate. I took the space between us very quickly, and he pulled me into the safety that I have come to know as Grey.

"You boy! That does not belong to you!" I buried my face into his shoulder.

"She belongs to no one. She isn't a property." I felt his power center kick up a notch.

"You need for her power just like everyone else does, you will use her and throw her away. Then she will be of use to no one." Grey's body nearly vibrated with anger, but we were in public we could not display our magic.

"Grey leave it. I know you; I know my feelings. If you attack him here the Board will be after us for the rest of our lives. I don't want that, I don't want to live in the safe zones because we have no other choice. I just want to leave, please take me home." His hand ran soothing circles across my back and he pulled back to look at my face.

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