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Amelia's pov

You have been a bad girl cupcake

It’s gotta be some sort of a prank or some wrong number. But I just couldn’t take it off my head since last night.

“Back to the earth Amelia” Nick said waving his hand in front of my face. “What’s going on in your mind? You have been quiet since the morning” Nick tilted his head like a puppy. “Oh sorry, it’s nothing” I saw Jake glancing at me but didn’t speak a word. Our eyes locked and I looked away flustered. “If something is bothering you, you can always tell us. Got it?” Nick said. “Yeah yeah now get out of my way” I chuckled and gently pushed him away.

“Um Amelia. Can I talk to you?” Jake said pulling me to an empty corridor. “Yeah sure Jake” I blinked, my heart running a marathon.

Jake started "I’m sorry"
I blinked “huh?”

“I’m sorry for what I did yesterday. I’m sorry I kissed you without asking you your feelings about me. I just couldn’t control myself around you. I should have considered the situation where you wouldn’t like me. It’s my bad. I’m sorry, and I’ll make sure this will not happen aga-” “Jake. Shut up” I stood on my toes and crashed my lips with his. He widened his eyes but then pulled me into an embrace.

We pulled away with him still holding me. He looked into my eyes. “I love you Amelia” and kissed me again.

We were broken from our intense staring contest by the bell for our next class.

“Guess it’s time for us to go” I smiled leading the way.

(Meanwhile Nick sitting alone in the cafeteria “why do I feel like I’m gonna be a third wheel soon”
Just kidding guys haha)

Its physics and I can’t help myself dozing off. “Ow” I open my eyes to see a paper ball which hit my head. I turned around to see Nick signaling me to open it.
Hey can we three go somewhere this weekend?
Good idea. I gave him a thumbsup. “Nick and Amelia. step out of my class before I do the honor of kicking you out”

“You could have told us in the break time” I rolled my eyes. “Well as far as I reckon you both left me ALONE in the cafeteria for some important business” Nick gave me a death glare but saw me turning scarlet red “Wait, don’t tell me, Jake confessed atlast right?”. I opened my mouth and closed it again not sure of what to say. He was wide eyed “holy shit he really did. I’m gonna punch his face off for not telling me” he ran his hand through his hair and looked at me “So what do you say let’s go to Miami beach we can stay there this weekend. I’ll make the bookings for us”. “Sounds good I’ve never visited the beach for a long time so yeah let’s go” I gave him an ok sign. “Oh and I told your boyfriend about this too” He said earning a shut up from me.

“Let’s get going guys. Hop in, I’m driving” Nick called out to us. I chose a yellow floral top with stripped jeans and a hat letting my black hair loose and to fall over my shoulders. Jake was wearing a grey t-shirt over his stripped jeans that I couldn’t help but stare at him. He came towards me and smiled attacking me with those dimples. “Let’s get going”. “Uh y-yeah let’s go” I stammered damn it Amelia, snap out of it.

We both got in the back seats of the car. “Wear your seatbelts if you want to live” Nick started the engine. “Oh god please help me survive this day” I prayed and earned an ugly look from Nick, the car started picking up speed.

The sky was already turning dark. I was looking out the window when I felt a hand on mine, I turned to look at Jake. “Hey, you look beautiful today” he smiled. “T-thanks” I stammered looking away, dimples should be illegal. “Ew get a room already” Nick said looking at us from the rareview mirror. I felt my cheeks burning up “Keep your eyes on the road and just drive”I said looking away. “Actually, we are here” he pulled up near the guesthouse.

It was so huge and beautiful. I stood there gaping at the building. “Come on, let’s get going inside” Nick lead us inside. “We are gonna visit the beach tomorrow so try to get some sleep”

A/n sorry if this chapter was boring. I needed to write this to show you guys more about their friendship… but some serious things are gonna happen soon in the next few chapters soooo stay tuned!! Don't mind the typo or any grammer mistakes though😅.
Any comments are welcome… Except no abusive language please…. Thank you!!💜

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