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Amelia’s pov

(2 weeks later)

My chained leg started to hurt as I tried my best to move it. I squinted my eyes trying to makeout anything in the darkness surrounding me. I could tell I look like trash now. Bones started to jut out of my body as the ‘punishment’ still continued. I see him once a day, when he brings me a meal. I had just one small meal a day, then again faced by darkness. The food just kept me from dying, kept me from escaping this punishment, from this world.

I went through this again and again and again and again everyday, I felt myself going insane little by little. No matter how many times I scream, no matter how many times I banged the walls with my fist, no matter how many times I cried, no matter how many times I begged, I was left here. I was left here in the darkness, I was left here with myself.

Why? What did I ever do to deserve this? Am I going to rot here? Am I never allowed to face the light?

I was surprised by wet tears flowing down my cheek. I crawled to a corner and lied down against the warmth provided by the walls. I am too tired for all of this. I heard a door open just as I closed my eyes. I couldn’t open my eyes even if I tried. So this is it.

I heard a mild sound of chains clattering and felt strong arms hold me and lift me from the ground. A new warmth of the body, welcomed me as I drifted more and more away from the real world.


Amelia’s pov (cont)

The light hurted my eyes as I opened them, making my head throb. I shook my head a little to wear off the dizziness and looked around. I found myself in my bed, in my ‘room’, with a glass of water in the table beside me. I tried to raise my hand and reach out to drink some water but failed to even lift my arm. I looked down to see how skinny my arm was and yet too heavy for me to lift.

I flinched when the door opened. I saw Steve walk through the door with food in a tray. I tried to move away from him and winced at the effort as my leg has not yet healed from being cuffed to the wall. He approached me with a warm smile and sat on the bed near me.

“I missed you” he said brushing my cheek. I was shocked when I realized that tears were flowing down my cheek. “Let’s get you to eat some food” he said wiping the tears with his thumb. He then picked up the spoon and started feeding me. I couldn’t resist. I knew too well that I was right now too weak to eat by myself. I let him feed me and the food dissapeared from the plate miraculously fast.

He smiled at me, satisfied that I didn’t offer any resistance. “Can you lie down and rest till I come back?” he asked. I tilted my head in confusion. He saw my expression and laughed softly “So cute. I’ll be back soon don’t worry. I just have some stuff to do.” He said and leant down to plant a kiss on my forehead. He then stood up and made his way to the door, closing it behind him.

I was horrified, not because he acted all normal after the punishment he gave me but because I felt my heart flutter when he kissed my forehead. Am I going insane now?


Jake’s pov

Steve was so cool to hangout with. I had become close to him from the day I visited his home. I felt like there was something about Steve that made it so easy for me to spill everything about me. We started hanging out a lot. No. I am not back to my normal self. There are days where I lose my mind, sitting in a corner of my room, clutching my hair in both of my hands, chanting in my head that I am the one at fault for what happened to my friend and girlfriend. This was one of those days. I felt so pathetic as I felt the urge to dissappear, so I called Steve so that I could vent myself out to him. He made me feel at ease everytime, so maybe atleast he would understand my situation.

I smiled when I saw his car coming in my direction. I waved at him and felt warmth fill up my heart. He pulled over near me and opened his side of the car window. “What are you waiting for? Hop in.” he grinned. I mirrored the expression and made my way to the passengers seat, opening the door and getting in. “So whats up your ass this time?” he asked looking at me. I rolled my eyes. He could read me like an open book when he always seemed a mystery to me. “Nothing. I’m just feeling down today” I said sighing. “Wow whats this? You want me to be your portable battery or something? I’m touched man” He said making a dramatic expression with his hand against his heart. “Just shut up and drive or your gonna get your ass kicked” I said smacking his head. “Whatever. I’ve got to fill up the gas first” the engine roared to life as we made our way to the gas station.

He pulled over the car as we reached the gas station. “I’ll be back. Gotta use the bathroom.” he said as he got out and I saw him hurry towards the bathroom. “That will be $42 sir” I looked up to see a part timer in the gas station. “Ah yes” I said as I handed over the money Steve gave me before. “Here is the change sir” he said as he handed out the change to me, which slipped my fingers and fell inside the car. I bent down and picked up the money and felt something sharp prick my hand. “Ouch” I cursed as I picked up whatever thing that was. I pulled it out from below my seat.

The door opened from the driver’s side and Steve got in. “Sorry, I took too long. Someone had vandalised the toilet. The staff appologized and let me use another one at a farther end” he said starting the car. “Is everything alright? You look like you are sick” he asked, a worried expression on his face. “Can you drop me home? I really don’t feel good” I said with a small smile. “Sure” he nodded turning the car towards my home.

“Do you need any medicine?” he called when I reached the front door of my house. “No I already have some” I said turning back and getting inside my home and locked the door behind me. I slid down the floor and took deep breaths to calm myself down. I reached my pocket with shaking hands and pulled it out to confirm it. I know this is the one. I know it too well that it belongs to her.
I traced the tips of it, feeling the memories rush inside me, making me dizzy. I held it close to my heart,afraid that I will loose it if I let it go,
Amelia’s bracelet.

A/n I am soooo sorry for not posting this soon...... but holy shit did you check out Agust D2??!! I am still loosing my mind here!!! And yeah maybe.... maybe the story is reaching its end soon....

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