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Amelia's pov

"Hey Amelia" he smiled at me. "Hi Nick, I missed you so much" I hugged him tightly. He laughed "Whoa what is this? I have been here with you all day, helping you for your party". I was confused "What party?". " Your birthday party dumbass" he said rolling his eyes "This friday is the 13th of March if you forgot".

Our outfits changed and the room was filled with party debris. I faced Nick again. "Hi Amelia. I came to fetch my phone. I think I left it here somewhere-".

Something shiny caught my eye. My eyes widened seeing a shadow looming behind Nick with a knife raised. I couldn't move an inch. Blood started pouring from Nick's stomach and pooled by my feet. No No No. Tears welled up my eyes as he looked at me, eyes filled with pain.

Suddenly I felt something hard in my hand. I looked down to see the handle of a knife held in my hands. I pulled the knife but it offered a lot of resistance and more blood spilled. The blade was embedded inside Nick's body. I looked up to see his face. No. This is not Nick. He looked at me with eyes filled with hurt and betrayal. Terror dawned upon me as I recogonised him.


(Dream ends here)

I woke up covered with sweat and gasping for air. I switched on the light to be faced by a familiar atmosphere of my room. I turned and grabbed a glass of water from my bedside table. It's just a nightmare. It's just a nightmare. I gulped down the water.

It has been two months since Steve died. No. Two months since I killed him. I still remember the look of betrayal he had when I brought down the knife I held down his heart. I had saved Jake but I had killed a person.


(the next day)

"Hey Amelia. How have you been?" Mike asked. He is my personal psychiatrist. "Still having those nightmares?" he asked looking at my face. Anyone can tell that, my dark circles are more and more prominent as the day goes. "Yeah" I said sighing. "Are you taking your medications properly?" he asked concerned. "Yeah" I said.

He sighed and asked "Are you still in contact with Jake?". I shook my head slowly "No". "Why?" he asked. "I still can't help but remember what happened that day whenever I look at him. I am not ready to face him yet." I said looking down. "And what did he say about this?" he asked. "He understood. He told me that it's okay and that he will be waiting for me." I said with a faint smile on my face. I looked up to see Mike smiling at me, my heart throbbed realising that his smile is similar to that of Steve. I hate to admit it but I miss Steve. I miss his smile and the way he would get shy whenever I complimented him. These thoughts make me feel like I am going insane. I can never be back to normal.


Jake's pov

"Hey kid". I looked around to see Mr. Kim approaching me. He sat before me and stared at me. "Um" I started feeling uncomfortable. "How is your hand?" he asked nodding his head towards my right hand. "It's ok, now that it is completely healed. But it still feels wierd being without a finger. I thought the little finger was useless before, but now.." I sighed shaking my head.

He nodded his head. I smiled internally as I know the gesture too well indicating the end of small talks. "Can I ask about why you wanted to meet me?" I asked. "After all that happened to you guys I wanted to do a background check on Steve." he said unexpectedly. I didn't dare interrupt as he continued "He comes from an orphanage in Florida". I tilted my head "So?". "That's not the only thing I found out. He was found in the woods when he was 10, body covered with blood and bruises. The doctors who treated him had no idea how he survived with all those fractures in every bone of his body. He was severly malnourished and dehydrated."

He paused to grab a glass of water and raised the glass to his lips, taking a sip. "What disturbes me the most is that he.... screamed. Every single day he screamed in the middle of night. When the caretakers get to his room he was always found in a corner of the room murmuring something like 'I'm sorry mother I won't leave you' Seems like he was abused a lot by his mother" he said. "Where is his mother now?" I asked only to be filled with terror by the answer. "Dead. She was murdered in her own house a few days before Steve was found. Her death is still a mystery for me but the authorities there closed the case stating that it was a robbery murder" he said.

He turned to look me directly in the eye and asked "Do you remember what Steve told you before he cut off your finger?" I was taken off guard by the question but I tried to remember what Steve told me "She was the one who promised to be with me till the end. She was the one who said that she would never leave me. You took her away from me"


Amelia's pov

"Amelia" I broke from my thoughts to look at him bearing an expression filled with worry. "Yes Mike" I managed to say. "Have you met Steve in your school when you studied together?" I nodded remembering a very lean 10 year old boy and the promise I made to him that I will always stay beside him forever. I looked up at Mike and spoke the words I died to say for all these years

"He is my first love Mike"


AND THAT'S THE END OF MY FIRST STORY!!! Don't worry I'm planning on my next work soon... it's gonna take you to completely different world. For everyone who stayed with me till now I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH 💜💜💜.

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