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Jake’s pov

“These are the evidences we found in her place kid....” an officer gave me a file with the photos taken at Amelia’s home.
As I flipped through the pages I saw pictures of numerous blood stains in the living room carpet.

I had returned from Los Angeles after I got a call from an unknown number. I had taken the call to hear a professional voice telling me “Am I talking to Jake Strozier?”. “Yes may I know who this is?”. “Ah hello I am Officer Kim and I have news regarding your friends.” I was confused at first but then he added “I believe you know Nick and Amelia” he said raising my panic.
“Yes, they are my friends. Is there a problem officer?” I had asked him. “Well both of them have gone missing for the past week now.” he had said.

So here I was, waiting at the police station to know what exactly happened to them. No one had seen Amelia after her birthday party.

“Her neighbour had contacted us at the middle of the night informing us of screams coming from Amelia’s home, we told him not to enter the premises for his safety” Officer Kim replied.
I nodded signalling him to continue. “Both of their cell phones are out of reach for now” he said giving a sigh. “Look kid, we are giving our best efforts, we will find them. Don’t worry”
“Thanks officer” I said making my way out of the police station.

I couldn’t take my mind off the pictures of the blood stain. My head was feeling like it was being split by a saw. “The DNA from the blood sample matched with your friend Nick” They had said. What if.... no it is not possible, shut your thoughts Jake. I thought as I made my way to my home.

I’ll meet the wittness tomorrow personally and talk to him.


Amelia’s pov

“You’re awake”

He sat at the very end of my bed and gave me a soft look. I couldn’t help but feel like I was back with the Steve when we went jogging together. It was as if he had two faces... two minds... two personas.

I just stared at him without saying a word. Suddenly I flinched feeling his hand holding me cheek. I looked at him scared of what he was up to. His gaze was still soft and I didn’t feel like he was gonna hurt me. “yeah” I told him in a small voice.

“Are you hurt?” he said cupping my cheeks in both his hands making me look at him. He had the look of a worried little child. He looked like someone too innocent to kill someone... but he murdered Nick right in front of my eyes. My eyes welled up tears as the thoughts surfaced, and I tried my best not to break.

“No I’m not” I said slipping away from his hands. I tensed as he hugged me suddenly “I’m sorry Amelia... I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry... I’m so sorry...” he kept telling me, not letting go of me. I tried to push him off me but he was too strong.

“Steve I am NOT hurt” I said, still trying my best to push him off. Apparently he didn’t hear me saying it, as he kept saying “I’m so sorry” again and again and again. It felt more like he was not talking to me.

I didn’t know how many minutes passed when he let me go. He let me go still chanting that he was sorry and turned to go outside. I was so confused when I looked into his eyes. His eyes where empty and distant. Now that was something. Just an hour or two ago he was ready to crack my skull with his baseball bat and now he acted like he cared about me. This guy got issues. And maybe just maybe if I remain on his good side, I might get outta these cuffs around my wrist.

And speaking of the cuffs, I lifted my hand to see the skin on my wrist starting to turn into a painful purple bruise.

A/n Sorry for the late update.... I was really debating with myself whether to give Jake his little comeback now or not.... guess I did cos some started missing him... 😉
The update might get slow cos my head is killing me for the past two days bcos of lack of sleep.... gotta keep my health in check..!!

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