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Amelia's pov

"I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR A BIKINI" I folded my arms at Nick's suggestion. "Why? Come on at least act like a girl" Nick said. "Nope, not gonna happen buddy. I am not gonna wear that even if you beg on your knees. Wait maybe if you do beg on your knees, I might consider wearing that" I said with a smirk and Nick rolled his eyes, giving up.

I chose a bright printed tunic top with shorts and my sandals to wear today for the beach. I left my hair loose as usual. "Are you ready Amelia? Nick is waiting for us outside" I heard Jake calling me from outside my room. "Yeah just a minute" I said checking if I didn't miss anything and stepped out, almost running into Jake. "Whoa s-sorry" I stammered looking at him. "Let's go now, shall we?" He flashed me a smile. Badum. When is my heart going to get used to this?.

We reached down to see Nick waiting for us. He gave me a look from head to toe. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing. You look like a kindergarden girl wearing that dress for a beach." Nick smirked. I blushed "Shut up. Bikinis are not my thing". I could see Jake holding back his laughter, aw man I really am going to kill Nick one day.

"Let's start moving, the beach is closeby so we'll just walk there." Nick led us.


I've not been to the beach for a long time. It was so beautiful. I immediately ran to the waters and literally sat in the waters letting the waves hit me. I didn't care. I just loved being there. I closed my eyes and faced the sky, breathing in the salty air. "Hey". I opened my eyes to see Jake sitting next to me with his hair blown by the wind. I smiled.

"You like the beach so much? I've never seen you happy like this before" he asked. "Yeah it reminds me of the time I was with my sister" I replied. " Where is your sister now?" Jake asked facing me. "Well she is married with a guy whom she never loved and is staying in New York. I don't hear from her nowadays" I shrugged my shoulders. A comfortable silence followed.

"Hey, wanna see something?" Jake asked getting up and offering me a hand. "What?" I asked. "Just follow me". He lead me to one side of the beach where there were a lot of huge rocks. We started climbing down to see a small cave like opening enclosed by two diagonal rocks. "What's in there?" I asked. He bent down and came up holding out his hand.

There were small crabs in his hands.

(Not huge crabs guys these are small cute ones

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(Not huge crabs guys these are small cute ones.... Like this one above...or maybe smaller... So don't freak out)

What i found cute was not the crabs but his expression when he was showing them to me. "Cute" I said. "I know right I always love them" he chuckled like a little boy. "Not the crabs Jake" I grinned. His expression changed immediately and he raised a brow. In one swift movement he got me pinned to the cave. "Did you just call me cute" He lowered his face to me. "Y-yeah i guess" shit I'm scared.

"Don't you dare" and with that he crashed his lips with mine. He pulled back leaving me out of breath and in a daze. Stepping out of the cave he said "You do look like a cute little girl in that outfit. But it kind of suits you."

I couldn't speak a word when i followed him to see Nick. Now that was something, that was the side of him I have never seen before. Nick saw my bewildered face and asked me "Did you see a ghost or something? Whats wrong with your face?" "ah n-nothing" I said still not out of that shock.

We reached our guest house and started packing our things. "Hey Amelia are you coming or not" Nick shouted from outside. "Just a sec one of my shirt is missing" I said opening all the cupboards and finally gave up. I came out and got inside the car with a sigh. "Are you sure you didn't leave it in Jake's room" Nick asked with a smirk. "Someday, I really am gonna punch you in the face Nick" I glared.


"Goodnight guys" I waved my farewell as i entered my home. I kept my bag on the couch and was about to head upstairs.

Knock knock

I was pretty sure it was not the boys as I heard their car moving away from my home.

I slowly made my way to the door when an envelope slid through the door.

I took the envelop and opened it.

My breath stopped and my hands started shaking. It had photos of me taken at the beach by someone. There were photos of me entering the apartment and those of me in the beach. I looked through all the photos and reached the last one. No this is not happening. I dropped to the ground seeing the last photo. It was me and Jake kissing in the cave. Tears welled up my eyes and i turned around the last pic to see letters written in red clearly.

You are going to be punished for this cupcake

A/n.. told you 😏😏.... things will get nasty😏😏.....
Stay put!!💜💜

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