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Amelia’s pov

I was standing in my room looking at the person I love in front of me.....

“I love you Amelia” Jake smiled taking my hands in his....

“I’m so happy you came back Jake....” I smiled looking at his ocean blue eyes.....

“You know I will never leave you right...” He said hugging me....

Everything was perfect..... He came back to me......

“And where is Nick? I don’t see him here....” he asked turning his head looking for Nick

“Oh I know... I think I saw him near the front door.....” I said leading Jake with me to the front door of my home... I saw Nick standing before the door, smiling at us...

“Nick! Look who came bac-” I stopped...... I stared in horror as Nick grunted and his smile faded, turning into a painful expression.....

A silver metal made it’s way to the front and blood oozed out making him double over....He coughed out blood and I saw his body writhing under the pain till he went motionless....

His eyes still open but empty, stared at me and I felt his eyes killing me as if saying ‘look what you have done’

Jake turned to me and said with a dissapointed face “It’s all your fault Amelia”...
“No, Jake please listen to me” I screamed but something pulled me away....

I was being pulled farther and farther away from him till I reached an empty street barely lit with streetlights...... I was facing a black hooded figure in front of me....

He tilted his head, looking at me with a sick smile and said “You are MINE now.... cupcake” and started coming closer to me. He brought his hands to my throat crushing it....

My hands were desperate as it tried to free my throat from getting destroyed....

                                        (Dream ends here)

I woke up with a gasp, immediately my hands reached my throat. It was a dream.... no more like a nightmare.... my head felt dizzy...

I was seated on the ground.... I tried to get up but was interrupted by a metallic sound..... I turned to see my left hand chained to a bedpost......  Everything that happened yesterday came to me that I felt tears fill up my eyes....

Nick... no...

and Steve was the stalker.... everything he did, was for this?? I don’t even know if his real name is Steve.... everything... every memory.... every smile seemed FAKE...

Tears welled up my eyes.. I blinked my eyes and refused to break down, cos this is not the time....
I should get out of here first...

I looked around to see where I was....

It looked like a small room..... and the painting was worn off and I could see several cracks in the wall..... I turned around to see a table and chair and a bed.... nothing else... the room just had one window... but it was sealed with metal bars and a curtain....
Where am I?? I tried pulling the chain and failed.... I stopped moving as I heard footsteps coming from outside the room...

shit...looks like I made too much noise....

The door opened and revealed two laced black shoes walk towards me..... I was scared but didn’t show it in my face.....

“You’re awake....” I heard ‘Steve’ say.... as he aproached me...
I looked up and saw his face, not uttering a word.... I was so heartbroken.... HE KILLED NICK!! HE IS A MURDERER!!

I looked away as tears were threatening to fall....

“It’s ok... take your time to adjust here... I will wait, cos you are gonna stay with me from now...” he said making his way out....

He then turned around and looked at me “But don’t make me wait for long, cupcake.... you won’t like it if I lose my patience”  he closed the door and I heard him lock the door....

I broke down.... crying silently careful not to make any noise.... I crawled to a corner and sat there hugging my knees.... This is too much for me to take in.....

I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down so that I could clear my mind and survive this hell...  my life has become a freaking movie now...

I really should get out of here.... soon... But how?

I can’t fight him.... this guy is stronger than me so it’s impossible to overpower him and the idea itself seems stupid.... I don’t know what plans he has for me but I am sure that it will not be good for me....
and lastly if I should survive here then....


A/n What is our boy ‘Steve’ gonna do to her now?
And will Amelia manage to escape from him?
And pls do give a feedback about this chapter.... I am having a LOT of confusions right now.....
Thanks for waiting!!!Stay tuned~~ 💜

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