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Amelia’s pov

Steve brought me my breakfast the next morning. He kept the plate near me and I immediately reached out and started eating. Because I know a little too well what would happen if I refuse to eat and I was not ready to lose my head to his baseball bat. He just sat there looking lost in thought. After debating with myself in my head I decided to ask him.

“Steve... is something wrong?” I asked looking at him as I emptied the plate. He turned to look at me and didn’t say anything for a while. He took a deep breath and started “I’ll be going out for a while everyday from now on ok? I want you to stay safe and out of trouble till then. You understand?” he said with a pleading look in this face. Stay safe and out of trouble, these words almost made me laugh out loud. I remained silent and just looked at him then nodded when he looked at me for a response.

“I’ll be back soon ok. I’m gonna miss you.” He smiled. I couldn’t believe he was the same person from before. He is acting like an innocent child again and it’s hard for me to figure him out. I nodded again and gave him a forced smile.

He then fished for something in his back pocket and took something small out. I flinched when he grabbed hold of my left hand, holding my breath and shutting my eyes, waiting for some pain to start.


I opened my eyes and immediately widened them when I saw my left hand free from the cuff. I was confused and scared at the same moment. What if he is gonna lock me up somewhere underground till he comes back? What if this is the end of me? I looked at him and was surprised when he still had a warm look on his face.

“I thought you would have been bored of sitting at the same place for a long time. Come with me.” He held my hand and lead me out of my room. I could have taken advantage of this but I still don’t know about this place, and where the exit is. So I decided to follow.

Every room had the same cracked walls with worn off mustard yellow paint, but the arrangement was pretty good. Every room was organised in perfection and neatness. There were some locked doors and I thought one of them might be the exit door. Steve noticed me looking at one of the doors on our way and told me “Ah that’s the kitchen, I didn’t want you to hurt yourself trying to make something for yourself, and don’t worry, if you need snacks you can find them in the fridge in the living room.” he said as he lead the way to the living room. The building seemed moderate, it had about many rooms, two of them locked and two being the bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and basement. Steve stopped when we reached outside the locked basement and I looked at his eyes which had a wicked glint to it. I really didn’t want to know about this room but Steve just started telling me “This... You would never need to know about... as long as you behave” he said and gave me a smile as if he just didn’t say something like that “now that’s all.. you can go back to your room now and come out whenever you want to.... I’ll get going then”


Jake’s pov

I starting pulling over before Amelia’s home and stared at it. Entry was not yet permitted into the house. I sighed, closing my eyes and leaning on the stearing wheel. I should have been with them.. I should have not left.... I got out of my car, tearing my eyes from her home and headed towards the house near her’s.

I knocked on the door and waited for a response. I almost thought of giving up when I heard a sound from the other side. The door opened to show a guy almost my age “Um can I help you with something?” he asked looking at me directly in the eyes. “Sorry to disturb you. My name is Jake, I‘m Amelia’s... friend” I said hesitating. I thought I saw a smirk on his face for a split second, should have been my imagination.

“You must be Steve right? You were the wittness for Amelia’s case?” I asked. He nodded. “Can you explain in detail to me about what exactly happened that day?” I asked him. “Sure, please come in” he said smiling.

A/n I’ll try my best to keep updating.... apparently the cause of my headache was bcos I was literally staring at my laptop for about 12hrs straight.... I feel better now cos I avoided the ‘screens’ today..... Thank you so much for reading this!!!!

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