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Mingi ran into the bathroom locking it immediately, he was shaking as if he was dying of frostbite. He was so scared of what his boyfriend would say.. Would he be mad at the poor boy? Would he be supportive? Who knows at this point.. The tall boy leans aginst the bathroom door crying slowly sliding down the door. "I don't want Joongie to leave.." Mingi says to himself not knowing his small boyfriend was on the other side listening to him.

His heart broke a little bit hearing was his baby had said "I would never leave you mingi.." he says to himself tears welling up in his eyes as well. He can't stand hearing his boyfriends quite sobs from the other side of the door so he knocks. "Mingi baby boy? Daddy still loves you baby, how could I ever not love you? You are the love of my life baby boy, you looked so cute in my hoodie with your paci and your stuffie baby." Hongjjong says with love in his voice.

Mingi didn't know what to do, does he open the door for his boyfriend or does he stay in the bathroom until he leaves? "I- I don't want daddy to leave mingi..." mingi slurs out while crying. "Daddy wont leave Mingi baby daddy loves Mingi too much to leave him!" Hongjoong says trying to get his beloved boyfriend to come out of the bathroom.

(I will make another chapter today it's just I'm I'm home school right now love y'all)

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