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(I have decided to not do POV anymore) 

"Okay mingi trust daddy.." the boy says while slowly opening the door for his lover. His boyfriend took his big baby into a warm hug. "I love you baby" Hongjoong says while giving his boyfriend a kiss on the lips. After the short kiss Hongjoong hands Mingi back his paci that he had dropped when he had ran into the bathroom. "Thank you daddy" Mingi says while looking down and playing with his caregivers fingers. "You're welcome baby boy, do you want to go watch cartoons with daddy in his room?" Hongjoong says smiling at the slightly taller boy. "Yesss!" Mingi screeches while scrunching his nose cutely. 

*Time Skipeu*

Mingi had been laying in between his boyfriends legs for hours watching multiple cartoons and movies while cuddling the one he loved most. Soon though they had to get up due to Seonghwa's loud ass scream through the house say that dinner is ready. Mingi had been slipped out of litter space for about 30 minutes now so it was okay for him to go down and eat. He went down stairs his boyfriends hand in his. 

Mingi sat down next to his best friend Yeosang and his boyfriend Hongjoong. Mingi gives Yeosang a little hug and a kiss on the forehead as the smaller boy looked very tired. Hongjoong wasn't going to lie he was kind of jealous of Yeosang, that was his boyfriend that had kissed someone else, his! Hongjoong lets out a sigh letting it go as he begins eating his Bulgogi in silence. He finished way before everyone else as he was in a bad mood and frankly did not want to see his boyfriend giving everyone else but him attention. 

So after he rinsed of his plate and cup and put them in the sink he headed back up stairs and went to his room, he stripped off his clothes and put on just some shorts and got in his and Mingi's shared bed. He turned off the side lamp and got comfy cuddling his pillow instead of his boyfriend that wasn't there anyways. Hongjoong thought about what Mingi could be doing right now, maybe cheating on him with Yeosang? After thing about that the small boy let out a few quite sobs and fell asleep without his boyfriend besides him. 

Mingi couldn't stop thinking about his boyfriend, he looked so upset when he went back upstairs.. "yeosanggie.." Mingi says in a quiet worried voice. "Yeah Minnie?" Yeosang says worried for the boy. "I think Joongie is mad at me.." Mingi says while letting out quite sobs into the olders chest. Yeosang doesn't know what to say to the boy Hongjoong did seem a bit mad when he was going back to his room. "I'm sure he's just tired Minnie he is the leader after all he has a lot of stress on him" Yeosang says patting the youngers back. Mingi nods his head and give the older a hug before heading back upstairs to his and his boyfriends shared room. He climed in bed not wanted to disturb his boyfriends sleeping so he did it slowly. He layed down turning his back to Hongjoong not wanting him to hear his soft cries. His tempt fail feeling his boyfriend turn around in the bed spooning him and rubbing circles on his chest while he kissed his neck. 

"I love you baby boy." Hongjoong says to his sobbing boyfriend. 


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