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AN: I don't think anyone read my chapter yesterday, idk if you guys are getting notifications for it? But that's okay :) OH ALSO! I'm going to be doing the San pie chart hair thing to my own hair idk when but when it's done I will show you all!

Mingi woke up feeling wooz(i)y (Say the name-) he felt very light headed and felt like he needed to throw up but he couldn't move at all, and to make things worse his back injury hurt like hell as well.

He didn't know what to do, he had looked at the clock and it was only 3 AM and he didn't want to wake anyone up. So he decided to try and fall back asleep. He finally drifted off to sleep and a few hours he was woken up by shaking him.

"Mingi hyung are you okay? You were whimpering and you feel hot? Do you feel okay?" Seungmin says putting his hand on the elders forehead.

"S' okay, go back to bed seungminnie" Mingi says and turns back over trying to fall back asleep. "Are you sure hyung? I can call woojin hyun-" Ssungmin says but gets interrupted by a loud groan.

"A-ah!!" Mingi groans. "WHAT'S WRONG HYUNG ARE YOU OKAY?"  Seungmin screeches. "My tummy hurts Seungie!!" Mingi howls out in pain.

Of course Mingi's groaning and Seungmins screeches woke everyone up and they came to check what was happening. "Chan hyung, woojin hyung! Mingi is in a lot of pain and I don't know what to do!" Seungmin says clearly freaking the fuck out.

(I really wanted minho to tell seungmin  "Move you fucking noodle head" but I feel like that wouldn't fit the panic lmao)

In this situation no one actually knew what to do, not even Woojin so what did they do? Wrap him up in blankets and take him to the hospital.

Of course (I'm sorry I say of course so much lmao it's a bad habit) felix and seungmin where freaking the fuck out. They actually thought Mingi was going to die and Chan and Jeongin had to calm them down.

Woojin had to remember all the things wrong with Mingi.
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Chest pain
- Fever (the Rona is coming--)

Woojin drives to the ER entrance and has all the boys get out so he can go park and meet them at the desk.

By the time Woojin gets to the desk they already took Mingi to a room so he has a doctor take him to the room.

"Okay, Hello boys, my name is Dr. Wong, Would anyone like to tell me why Mr. Song is here with us today?" The doctor say.

"I will, so he got woke up at around 3 by the feeling of needing to vomit. But he just ignored it and went back to sleep and at around 4:30 Seungmin woke him up because he heard him Whimpering and he felt warm. After a few minutes Mingi started crying in pain that his stomach hurted and that his chest hurt. He also had been complaining that he was nauseous and then he started vomiting." Woojin explained.

"Okay so by what you're telling me with the Nausea, vomiting, and chest pain, it sounds like Mr. Song has a Stomach ulcer. Has there been anything stressful in his life that could have caused this?" Dr. Wong asks.

"Yes Ma'am, My group has had a come back recently and I got a back injury so I couldn't go on tour, I have also been away from my boyfriends and best friends for about 3 weeks.." Mingi manages to get out still in pain.

"Okay, Mr. Song, I would like you to start doing things that make you happy! I want to make sure you don't stress to much and get another ulcer. As for the fever, I will take a test for the flu and see if that comes up positive, and if it does I will give you some antibiotics and send you home!" Dr. Wong says.

×~ Time Skip ~×

The boys brought Mingi home and put him in bed for a nap, because he really needed one. Chan texts Hongjoong and San what happened and they didn't take it too well


Hey Hongjoong,
Mingi woke up this morning
not feeling too well so we
took him to the ER.
They said he has an
Stomach Ulcer caused
By stress and he has the flu.
Don't worry well take
Good care of him for you!

Oh no... this is all my fault
he's probably so stressed about
the come back and his back
and he's probably worried about
us and my poor baby boy.. how is he
doing right now?

=~ Time skip ~=

Woojin wanted to take care of Mingi but Felix and Seungmin would not let him what so ever.

They said that Mingi was their baby and they needed to take care of him on their own. They had managed to break his fever so woojin let them take care of Mingi by themselves as long as they washed their hands so they wouldn't get sick as well.

Mingi knew that his boyfriends were coming home in a few days and he didn't want them to come home and have to take care of him so he was determined to get better before they came home.

He did the stuff he loved and tried not to get stressed about things. He didn't have the flu anymore and he really wanted the pain from the stomach ulcer to go away.

^~ Time Skip ~^

Hongjoong and San where running up the stairs they had left their luggage in the van and they would go and get it later they just needed to see their baby.

San was struggling with getting the right key in the hole but finally did it after a minute of struggling. "MINGI!" San and Hongjoong yell and attack the boy on the couch with hugs and kisses.

All of a sudden they hear the boy whimpering but still hugging them and kissing them. "Baby are you okay?" Hongjoong asks.

Tears start streaming down Mingi's face. "I don't want to alarm you but... you just really hurt my back by jumping on me.." Mingi whines out in pain. Mingi turns to the sound of the door opening and his back cracks in the worst most painful way possible. And it was LOUD.

(Excuse me as I write this and I'm sorry if it is inconsistent, all hell is breaking loose on my snap chat :,) anyways-)

It hurt like hell but Mingi didn't want any one to know that so he just laughed it off. "It's okay my back just popped" Mingi says with a small smile on his face.

"We didn't mean to hurt you baby, we just got so excited to see you and we forgot about your back for a minute and-" San starts. "Hey, it's okay it doesn't hurt anymore, well, for right now at least." Mingi says and stands up.

He goes of and hugs all the boys giving each one a long hug. Some wouldn't let go. (Cough Yunho cough yeosang cough)

All they boys get settled down and now it was time for Stray kids to go back to their own dorm. "Thanks for taking care of mingi for us" everyone says in unison.

"You're welcome, oh and also we noticed you guys didn't have any bowls in your house? So we bought some for you!" Chan says.


The meme where they have no bowls^^

that's it for this chapter I hope y'all enjoyed aha~ eaJ

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