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Mingi had woken up to a cold and lonley bed nobody around and in dead silence Joongie must be at the studio and he had zero ideas to where Sannie could be. He climbed out of bed and whimper as his feet hit the cold floor. He waddle out of his, Joongies, and Sannies shared room and into the living room. "Sannie...?" No answer (aha answer) His eyes start to tear up and he starts to panic. "Daddy's know Minnie no like being awone" he cried. "Maybe yunnie home?" He asks to himself.

"Yunnie hyung?" He whimpers as he turns the corner into Yunho's and Jongho's shared room. At first no one until he looked at the top bunk to see a sleeping Jongho. "Jongie" Mingi whispered again no answer.

So he climbed up and shook his shoulder "Jongie wakie up" (GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE ITS TIME TO WAKE UP YOU DON'T WANT TO BE LATE) "Mmmhmm what do you what" Jongho says in a slightly harsh but tired voice. Mingi started to tear up again. "M-minnie miss daddy and papa" he managed to get out before he started to full on sob.

Jongho sat up and pulled the tall boy onto his bed. "Minnie baby Jongie is sorry for being rude okay?" Jongho says while caressing mingis fluffy hair. "Does minnie know where papa or daddy are?" Jongho says while holding onto the elders hand. Mingi just shakes his head no and sniffles. "Okay baby, does minnie want Jongie to call daddy or papa to see where they are?" Mingi nods " Papa" he says because he knows that Daddy is most likely at the studio and he doesn't want to disturb him. "Okay baby, let's go turn minnie on a cartoon and then Jongie will call papa for you okay?" The little nods and follows Jongho into the living room.

Jongho turns on Pororo on for Mingi and goes into the kitchen to call San. "Hey Jongho what's up?" San say casually. "Hey hyung Minnie says that he misses you and wants you to come home.. where are you?" Jongho says while making mingi a bottle. "My poor baby tell him papa will be home soon, I'm at the dance studio I have been practicing for our comeback" san says while packing his things up. "Okay I will tell him, thanks hyung, drive safe bye" Jongho says then hangs up.

Jongho brings the bottle to mingi. "Okay baby do you want me to hold you and feed you or do you want to do it by yourself?" Jongho says while sitting next to the little. "Minnie wan' Jongie to feed minnie" the little says while cuddling close to his 'hyung' (when he's little he calls jongho his hyung because in his mind he's younger than jongho so yeah) "Does Minnie want Jongie to turn on Minnie's favorite song?" Jongho askes while picking up his phone. The elder just nods while drinking his bottle. (Insert his fav song here)

(This is predebut and it had Hongjoong and Jongho in it and I listen to it 1,000 times a day sooo please listen to it 🥺🥺😭)

Once mingi finishes his bottle he makes Jongho play the song again because he says that "Daddy bes rapper and Jongie gwate singer"

After about 12 minutes of Mingi begging Jongho to play the song again San walks in and Mingi's eyes are filled with tears. He runs up to his papa and clings to him. "Why papa leave Minnie lone.. Minnie thinked that papa left forever" he says while crying his eyes out. "I- baby boy papa would never leave you forever" ( I imagine sans face doing this 👁👄👁) san pulls his baby into a hug and kisses the top of his head. "Papas sorry baby papa should have woken minnie up and had minnie come with him huh?" San says and Mingi just nods his head.

"You look tried minnie go get in bed and papa will come in a minute okay?" The boy nods and mingi waddles to their shared room. "Thank you jongho for taking care of Mingi while I was gone I appreciate it, you look like your tired so please go to sleep" san says and walks off and goes to his shared room.

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