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AN: Hey guys! It's been a hot minute hasn't it? I'm not going to explain everything in full detail but my friend has been at my house for the past few days and I really missed her so I took a few days off from updating! I hope you all understand.. anyways back to the story! ~ EaJ

It had been about two weeks after Ateez left for tour without Mingi and Today was especially hard for him and he didn't know why. He didn't want anyone to touch or talk to him. He was being very cranky and very rude to his hyungs which wasn't normal for him.

He didn't WANT to act like this but he couldn't help it. He knew his hyungs probably just thought that he was being a brat which rarely happened but they didn't know that.

Woojin decided to call one of the boys to see if the way Mingi was acting was normal so he called them all but only Seonghwa would pick up. "Hey woojin hyung what's up?" Seonghwa says, woojin could tell by the sound of his voice he was tired so he didn't want to keep him long.

"Hey Hwa, do you know if Mingi is usually bratty? He has been very rude to me and the boys today and we don't know why, he keeps pushing us away.." Woojin says sounding concerned.

"That's unusual.. I think I've only ever seen him act like that once and it was because he wasn't getting enough attention so he started acting like a brat.." Seonghwa says.

"We are giving him a lot of attention trust me.. The boys and I give him cuddles everyday.. Hey Hwa do you think it could be because he wants attention from all of you?" Woojin says staring at the little who felix was trying to play with but failing miserably.

"Hmmm.. could be.. Hey woojin hyung I'm going to put Hongjoong on the phone okay?" Seonghwa says handing the phone to Hongjoong. "Hey woojin hyung, can you give the phone to Minnie please? Let me talk to him." Hongjoong says.

"Okay, Minnie appa's on the phone!!" Woojin calls for the boy. No answer. "Minni-" Woojin starts but looks at the boy sobbing on the couch. "M-minnie wan appa an papa and jongie and yunnie and wooyoungie and hwa and yeosangie..." Mingi crys. "Oh baby it's okay! Look Woojinnie hyung will facetime appa and papa and your bubbies okay?" Woojin says and mingi just nods.

"Okay baby, Hey hongjoong I'm going to facetime you okay?" Woojin says and then hangs up. Woojin facetimes Hongjoong and the rest of the boys.

Before anyone can speak mingi takes the phone from Woojin and just hugs it. "Minnie wuv appa papa and bubbies" Mingi says and starts to cry. (I'm soft I'm also crying while writing this lmfao 🥺🤧)

Mingi takes the phone away from his chest and looking at the screen. "We love you too bubs" Yeosang says whipping a tear of his cheek.

"We miss our baby" San and Hongjoong say in unison. Mingi can see Yunho and Yeosang sobbing in the background like babys. (Same tho)

"Don cry Yeosangie and Yunnie!!" Mingi squeaks out. "Only 3 more week until you come home!" Mingi says. The rest of Ateez always looked up to him (literally lmao) because he was always so positive about almost everything.

"Okay baby we need to go we have to practice okay! We love you!!" Hongjoong says while looking at the time on his phone.

Mingi heard a few "I love you's" and a few "Take care's" before he heard the iconic facetime end noise. Mingi felt a lot better after talking to them. He felt calm and at peace.

"Okay bubs do you wanna watch cartoons?" Woojin says putting his phone away and turning on the TV. "Wan watch family on TV" mingi says. "Wanna watch Ateez videos?" Woojin says and Mingi nods.

That's it for today lmao it's 12:16 AM and I'm hungry soooo imma go eat myself into a food coma lmao bye ~ EaJ

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