chapter 7

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"I'm. So. Bored."

"Welcome to Volterra Eli, this is what every day will be like from now on," Afton chuckled.

We were both flopped back beside each other on the bed, and there was absolutely nothing to do. Nothing. So instead, to pass the time, I'd spent the last half hour whining about how bored I was, and how much I wanted to do something, anything.

A knock came from the door and I sighed.

"What are you doing?" Demetri walked in through the door which had apparently been left open, absolutely lost about what was happening. Neither I nor Afton bothered to get up.

"I'm bored," I groaned, rolling to the side.

"I've been getting this for the last hour or so," Afton sat up leaning his weight on his arms, still watching me with exasperation.

"Half an hour," I snapped, "Geez, how crazy do you think I am?"

He rolled his eyes and stood up off of the bed, pacing lengths across the floor.

"You know, you could always go down to the game room," Demetri suggested with a shrug. I instantly sat up straight and looked at him, a smile forming on my lips.

"Game room?" I squealed, before turning to Afton and slapping him on the arm, which didn't hurt him obviously, but the intent was there.

"What was that for?"

"What the hell, you didn't bother to tell me there was a game room? This whole time?"

"I didn't think you'd be interested!"

I rolled my eyes and threw my arms up at him before putting on the same pair of Converse shoes I'd worn the day before and heading for the door. Demetri instantly stepped in front of me to lead the way, leaving me and Afton trailing along behind as I closed the door behind us.

"We might as well see if anyone wants to join us while we're on our way," Demetri called behind him, turning to a staircase on the left. We followed him up and he opened the door confidently, strolling in with me and Afton close behind. There were about ten or so people in the room, all of them with cloaks and Volturi crests around their necks. Afton seemed to recognise someone and immediately left my side to go and join them.

"Everyone, this is Eliana," Demetri gestured to me and I waved awkwardly, "me and Afton were about to show her to the game room if anyone would like to join."

I spotted Felix in a chair near the back of the room, as he stood up and came over to us, placing down the book he'd been reading.

"I'll come, but there is a trial currently taking place in the throne room, so we may be forced to leave at any time."

"Let's go then, apparently we may not have too long," Demetri stepped aside, allowing me to leave first, followed by him, Felix, Afton, and a brunette woman who had her hand in his. She quickly moved to the front of the group to walk beside me.

"I'm Chelsea," she grinned, extending a hand out.

"Eliana, it's nice to meet you," I smiled back, taking her hand.

"Hey, how come my introduction wasn't as friendly as that?" Afton called from behind me.

"Only you're to blame for that!" I yelled, before realising the extreme echo in these halls.

"So, I see you've already met my mate," she laughed.

"Who? Afton?"

"Yes, Afton," she replied light-heartedly.

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