chapter 21

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Wearily, my eyes fluttered open as I let out a soft, contented sigh. Warm sunlight streamed comfortably through the window and onto the floor where my cat Fernando was blissfully curled up. I stretched out lazily before becoming limp again, still spread out across Aro. I could've spent all day like this...


Panicked, I hurriedly untangled myself from my sheets, muttering curses to myself and heading over to my clock to check the time; 9:18, which meant I was already late for class.

"What is the matter, tesoro?" Marcus asked while the three of them also casually stood up off of the bed as if they had all the time in the world.

"Class started almost twenty minutes ago, I'm late!" I yelled, grabbing the nearest pile of clothes and dashing into the bathroom.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit shit!" I muttered while picking up my toothbrush.

How could I be late? I was never late, never ever late. Jesus, I was turning into Corin at this point. Marcus instantly materialised behind me holding my hairbrush, clearly finding my panic-stricken face amusing.

"Itsh not funn-" I tried to argue, but my mouth was still full of toothpaste.

"What was that, bellissima?" he chuckled, brushing through my hair with ease.

"I shaid," I spat out the remaining toothpaste into the sink, "it's not funny."

"I beg to differ," he responded light-heartedly, quickly placing my hairbrush down before taking my arm and leading me down the stairs.

The smell of cooking caught my attention, but I honestly didn't have time for breakfast. Besides, how the hell can someone make food in the space of two minutes? I was dragged by Marcus into the kitchen where Caius briskly handed me what looked like a crêpe filled with chocolate sauce.

"Do not eat it now," he instructed just before it reached my mouth, "Aro will drive you to your school so you may eat in the car."

Before I even had the chance to argue, Marcus had placed my bag over my shoulder and my shoes in my left hand, the crêpe still held in my right. A light honk from a car sounded from just outside which prompted me to head for the door.

"Eliana, wait!" he called from behind me, "take your phone with you in the case of an emergency."

"Will do," I smiled, taking my phone from Marcus' hand, "I'll see you when I get back!"

Without hesitation, I sprinted out of the door and down the front path of my house to the kings' BMW which was parked in the driveway. I realised I was still in my socks after painfully stepping on a piece of broken plastic, which caused me to hop around on one foot to the passenger seat and leap in. Once I'd closed the door, Aro, who it turned out had been sitting there for the past few minutes, instantly sped away from the house at full speed, even faster than Alice would usually drive.

"I thought you had set your alarm last night," Aro remarked with a grin.

"Join the club," I rolled my eyes and stuffed down my breakfast in two bites. In my defence, time was of the essence.

I tied my shoelaces clumsily, stressing out about literally everything at once. My heart was beating out of my chest, my breathing becoming rapid. Eli, you're fucked, you're supposed to get your Chinese results today but you might miss it thanks to your incompetence, the little voice inside my head nagged.

"Calm yourself, cara mia. We have already called your school to explain the situation, and there should be no repercussions," he assured.

"How did you know that I was panicking?" I raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

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