chapter 34

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I tried to stand up as gracefully as possible but still fell back onto Marcus' lap regardless, earning a chuckle. "I'm off to the guard's movie night."

"You are not required to befriend the guard, carissima, you are above them," Caius said irritatedly.

"But they're nice people. Besides, what else am I supposed to do with myself all day long, hm? Hate to remind you but I'm the only woman around here besides the female guard members, and that bitchy receptionist who glares at me every time I walk past," I raised an eyebrow.

"The receptionist you speak of will become dessert very soon. All I am saying is that you do not have to befriend them if you do not wish to. But, movie night?" he seemed confused.

"You will find that the guard's so-called 'movie night' can be quite the entertainment, brother," Marcus chimed in.

"Wanna come?" I tilted my head back to look up at him.

"I don't see why not," he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead and taking my hand.

Aro groaned. "Again, brother? You spent last night with Eliana."

"You snooze, you lose," I giggled, pressing a chaste kiss to Aro's lips as I felt a little bad for him before following Marcus' lead back out of the room.

We walked hand in hand in silence for most of the way, the candles along the walls providing the only source of dim lighting. I stopped just before we reached the corridor my room was on.

"Do you mind if I change? This is just really uncomfortable," I gestured to my dance clothes.

"Of course," he beamed as I held his hand and led him into my room.

One cool thing about living in a castle was the room service. Every day at about midday, while I was out doing whatever, one of the human maids would come in to tidy up a little, take out my laundry, and leave snacks as I was the only human around. I'd bumped into them once or twice before, and they were so lovely honestly, you'd never expect it in a vampire castle. This time, they'd left an apple and some chocolate chip cookies, which I moved to the side to eat later.

I quickly ran over to my wardrobe and pulled out a random hoodie and sweatpants. "I'll be quick," I called over my shoulder to Marcus, locking the door to the bathroom.

Once I came back out dressed in clean clothes, I noticed he was sat on the edge of my bed, examining my iPod confusedly. I threw my dance clothes in the laundry basket and sat down beside him.

"How do these devices work?" he asked.

"Well, you need a speaker or headphones for it to work, but you turn it on like this," I pressed the on button, "and you can basically scroll through and choose anything," I explained.

"It really is fascinating how far human technology has come," he mused.

"I can imagine," I smiled, taking his hand, "leggo."

He stopped just as we got to the door of my room. "Don't you need shoes?"

"Eh, if I walked around without shoes before, I can do it now," I laughed.

When we got to the guard quarters, the setup was the same as last time, and everyone was sat in pretty much the same seats. I tried to look around to decide where to sit but it was confusing trying to navigate through a bunch of vampires zooming around in a blur.

"Eli!" Chelsea leapt up and threw her arms around me, much to Marcus' amusement, "Come sit."

I awkwardly sat down in the same seat as I had done before beside Chelsea. Marcus pulled a chair between me and Renata, his cold hand encasing mine endearingly.

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