chapter 15

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My eyes wearily fluttered open to find myself no longer in Edward's Volvo but now in a bed, still wearing the same clothes as earlier. Sitting up, I looked around panicked before realising that I was actually in the spare room at the Cullens' house, both of my suitcases sat beside each other in the corner. I leant over to the bedside table and picked up my phone, only to be met with a message from an unknown number.

I hope you had a pleasant plane journey. Enjoy your time in Forks dear. Aro.

I smiled, adding Aro's phone number to my very short list of contacts. It did seem funny to me that, despite being the leaders of the Volturi, they own mobile phones, and not only that but they text as well. I opened up the chat and hesitantly began typing.

The plane was so nice omg, thank you so so so much for letting me stay with you for the week xx

Was that suitable? Would he even know what 'OMG' means? Oh well, I guess he could figure it out eventually. Surely if they have mobile phones, they also have access to Google and the Urban Dictionary. After hovering my index finger over the screen for a few seconds, I pressed send and threw my phone onto the bed as if I was playing a game of hot potato by myself.

I lazily rolled out of bed and headed over to my original suitcase to change my clothes into at least something familiar. Once I unzipped it, I found all of my belongings exactly as they were, but the chocolate I'd brought over for Bella from the UK had melted into one giant lump of sugar. I took it out and placed it on my bed, planning on maybe placing it in the microwave and eating it melted with a spoon, and chose out a pair of jeans and a grey cropped t-shirt. Standing up to change, my phone vibrated, and I instantly dropped everything and leapt over to it.

You are welcome to stay with us at any time at all. However, would you care to explain what 'omg' means?

Well, I'd be lying if I said I didn't see that coming.

It stands for oh my god, haha

I stood up and only managed to change out of my hoodie and into my top before another message came through.

Caius is of the opinion that abbreviations are lazy and pathetic.

Again, I saw that coming.

Tell Caius that idc tbh and imma keep using text slang bc I can and you can't stop me lmao

Satisfied with how much I had confused them, this gave me time to finish getting dressed and brush my hair out to remove some of the knots left over from the past few hours. The screen of my phone flashed again, but this message was from another unknown number.

Eliana, I do not know what you think you are playing at, but it stops now. Please message formerly, these confusing abbreviations are simply rude. Caius.

Usually I'd be a little worried at this point as, while I was still in Volterra, I was always careful to stay on the kings' good side and refrain from angering them for fear of some kind of punishment, but through the phone pissing them off was just too much fun. Once I'd added him to my contacts, I quickly responded.

Look, 'idc' stands for I don't care, 'tbh' stands for to be honest, 'bc' stands for because, and 'lmao' stands for laugh my ass off, yw
'yw' stands for you're welcome
so yw

Checking the time and seeing that it had just gone three, I sat down and thought about how I was going to tell the Cullens. I was so desperate to put it off, and I know that Marcus reassured me and all, but it didn't seem to help in that instance. After sitting there for a few minutes, I stood up and nervously walked along the landing with my phone in my back pocket, before Edward's cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into his room.

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