chapter 33

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"Buongiorno, il mio amore."

I groaned, pressing myself into Marcus' side with a yawn. "When did I fall asleep?"

"Approximately two minutes after you claimed you were 'thriving'," he teased, attempting to get up from the bed while I refused to move off of him, "tesoro, the day has already started. I have paperwork to do."

"I don't care, you're too comfortable," I murmured with my face flat against his torso.

He checked his wristwatch. "Alright, I may be able to spare ten minutes, but then I do need to start working," he chuckled.

"You're the best," I mumbled.

"I will ensure Aro and Caius are made aware of that."

I slapped him lightly across the chest. "No you won't, don't make me have to deal with your immaturity again. I mean, what the hell were you thinking?" I laughed.

"What were we thinking? That Caius got the privilege of seeing you in bed first, and we both desired the same," he answered honestly.

I paused for a second. "It's crazy how fast I've fallen for you. I mean, when you actually think about it, how much time have I really spent with you, considering I've already slept with Caius? It's a little...almost disturbing how quickly this whole relationship is moving."

"Bellissima, if you feel uncomfortable with anything-"

"No, no, not at all. I was just never really 'lucky in love' or whatever. Noah, as you've already met and executed, was my first boyfriend, and even then we were together for a year and I felt too uncomfortable to ever kiss him," I explained.

"You had never kissed anyone before?" Marcus asked in surprise.

"No, not until I came here," I shrugged.

He pressed his lips to the top of my head. "I honestly never would have guessed, you are a natural."

"I'll put it on my CV. I'm thinking 'Eliana Arrowood. Queen of vampires. Natural kisser according to Marcus, King of vampires.'"

He laughed softly, wrapping his arm around me tighter. "The reason for the speed of your relationship with us is the bond. I do not mean to sound...I believe people nowadays say 'cheesy', but you were made for us, you are our other half. True mates are fate's way of connecting two beings that are perfect for each other, and somehow you are perfect for all three of us."

"So, has three mates ever happened before?" I asked.

"I have been researching this recently. In fact, no, the most mates any one being has been reported to have is two, and that was over two thousand years ago. You, tesoro, are an exception. There being three of us is the sole reason you feel mating pulls as a human, due to the fact that there are three gold bonds connected to your heart at once."


"The colour of a true mate tie is gold, mate is silver, friendship is yellow, family is emerald, love is red, and hatred is blue. Bonds are often mixtures of different ties woven together. For example, your bond with Isabella Swan is quite interesting. It contains yellow, red, one very thin blue strand, and oddly enough, one even thinner silver strand."

"But silver is..." I looked at him weirdly. Me and Bella weren't mated, that was messed up, what the hell?

"If you two had ever decided to form a relationship of that nature, your bond would allow it-"

"Let me stop you right there. I am not, I repeat, am NOT forming a romantic relationship with my best friend," I drew my eyebrows together in disgust.

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