chapter 32

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I was sat in Aro's office on his black leather chair, spinning around in circles while eating the pasta I'd been given for my meal. My hair and clothes were still damp, but I couldn't be asked to change, instead reminding myself that it would dry eventually. Still though, how dare Aro pour water on my head, even after he was the one who interrupted me and Caius that morning.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and Aro, Caius, and Marcus all stood there frozen in the doorway. I spun the chair around slowly to face them, an eerie silence filling the room while we stared at each other in confusion.

"...hey," I waved awkwardly, taking in another mouthful of pasta.

"I did not expect to find you in here, on my chair, cara mia," Aro raised an eyebrow.

"Me neither, I got bored," I shrugged.

He gestured for me to get off, but I refused. "You want me to get off? Why should I?"

"Because we in fact came here to have a meeting, and it would help if you were not seated on my chair," he responded.

"Oh, I'm sorry for ruining your tiny butt imprint, you should've just said," I teased which earned a scowl, standing up with my bowl and moving over to the sofa to sit on Marcus' lap on the sofa.

"Why is your hair wet?" Caius asked, sat beside us.

I propped my feet up on his lap. "Ask Aro."

"Such accusations," he gasped dramatically, widening his eyes.

"What on earth did you two do with each other?" Caius seemed disgusted.

"Oh relax, get your head out of the gutter," I giggled. "He poured the contents of my water bottle on my head."

"Brother, why did you feel the need to water Eliana? She is not one of your houseplants," Marcus joked, his arms wrapped tightly around my waist as I continued to eat my pasta.

"She squirted water at me first!" Aro defended.

"I have a name, you know," I reminded him playfully.

"Okay, Eliana squirted water at me first, or should I say smelly-Eli," he childishly corrected.

"You're so mean," I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

He instantly lifted me up off Marcus' lap and placed me down sideways on his while he sat on top of his desk, one hand on my thigh while the other snaked around my waist. "Mean?"

"You called me smelly-Eli," I frowned, pretending to be upset.

He chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to my cheek. "I meant to say Eliana."

"U-huh, sure," I drew my eyebrows together and nodded sceptically.

"I am not mean, bellissima, I am Aro Volturi," he argued.

"Your point?"

"My point is that, contrary to popular belief, I am not 'mean', I am in fact the most compassionate vampire you could ever meet," his tone lacked in confidence.

"Fine, you're not exactly mean, but I wouldn't go as far as to say you're compassionate. Maybe...a little psychopathic?" I laughed.

"I agree," Caius chimed in.

"I have to side with Eliana on this one, Aro," Marcus added.

"Hmm, and I am the mean one?" Aro seemed genuinely offended as he frowned.

"You may be psychopathic Aro, but it doesn't mean I love you any less, babe," I giggled, curling up into a ball with my head on his chest.

"Psh, psychopathic," he muttered to himself in disbelief while cuddling me as close to him as possible and pressing a kiss to my hairline.

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