chapter 13

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Having finished making out with two of the Volturi leaders in the space of 24 hours, I only had one to go. God, what has my life come to?

I strolled down the silent corridors, my heavy footsteps echoing off of the stone walls. Considering this was my last day, I wasn't exactly feeling very...emotional? Part of me hoped that I'd bump into Caius because I hadn't seen that little albino bunny in a while, but instead I decided to head up to the guards' quarters and see if there was anyone around there. Opening the door hesitantly, I walked in and closed it behind me, turning around to see the room almost as full as it was during movie night. There were only maybe ten or fifteen guard members missing yet the whole room was still bustling.


I turned around and spotted Chelsea and Corin, who both decided to run at me from either side and hug me a little too tight considering the fact that I was human.

"Too tight, let go please," I managed to wheeze out as they stepped back to let the oxygen flow back to my brain.

"We're going to miss you lots, and we still haven't gone on our group shopping trip!" Corin held my hand and squealed.

"We can still go soon I guess, it's not like I'm not leaving forever," I assured, trying to channel my inner teenage girl by showing a sense of false enthusiasm.

"If you were, I think I'd cry. That is, if I could," Chelsea added, before they both decided it a good idea to suffocate me again with a deathly embrace and then drag me around the room to say goodbye to people.

In that next half an hour or so, I'd only made it halfway across the room as the two of them are apparently very easily distracted. I even managed to meet a few new people I hadn't met before, all with varying strengths, abilities, and levels of sanity.

"I would say goodbye to you now, but me and Demetri are both driving you to the airport tomorrow in anyway," Felix spoke, Demetri stood much shorter beside him.

"Look, I've hugged pretty much every being in this room I've met so far, so you're both next whether you like it or not."

I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around Felix who reluctantly embraced me back, before hugging Demetri who completely tensed up on the spot.

"Eli, do you have to leave now? I've never seen someone annoy Santiago that much before, it was so much fun!" Renata wrapped her arms around me from behind, her head rested on my shoulder.

"Hopefully I won't be gone too long, I'll come back soon," I assured before pulling away from her.

Santiago and Afton both stood in front of me, and we all stood staring at each other awkwardly.

"So...I'm not really a...hug kinda know?" Afton hesitated.

" too dude," Santiago added.

"Same to be fair..." I chimed in.

"This is sad to watch, honestly," Chelsea remarked, pushing Afton from behind while Corin did the same thing to Santiago, forcing us into hug? I noted to never hug Afton or Santiago again; it's not worth the hassle.

I strolled over to where the twins, Jane and Alec, were stood at the back. I was glad that I'd at least managed to go through and individually embrace each member of the guard without the blood being sucked out of me.

"Your turn," I grinned, well knowing that they were going to hate this, Jane especially.

"How about we make a deal instead: you don't hug us, and in return we help you pack?" Alec asked with his arms crossed over his chest.

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