Unveiling the Mic: The Enigma of Marshall Mathers

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The early morning found me on my small balcony, my emotions still scrambled, as I watched the city of New York slowly assemble itself for a new day. Golden rays washed over the gleaming skyscrapers, erasing the shadows of the night. The streets, once filled with the chaos of yesterday, were now swept clean, ready to embrace a fresh start. Delivery trucks hummed along, and storefronts lifted their gates as if welcoming new possibilities, new stories. New York, with its vast skyline, blinked against the rising sun, shaking off the weight of yesterday, gearing up for whatever the day would bring.

As for me? I was just trying to hold it together. The past was creeping up behind me, relentless, whispering in my ear. Alexander and Madison—their faces etched into my mind—felt like ghosts haunting every thought. Seeing them together had ripped open a wound I thought had been healing, leaving me raw and exposed. I wished I could just brush it all off, sweep away the pain like the trash on these streets, but it wasn't that simple. My heart didn't operate like the city—it couldn't reset so easily.

With a sigh, I trudged through my morning routine, trying to shake off the lingering weight of yesterday. Keys in one hand, bag in the other, I made my way downstairs for the coffee date Angela and I had planned the night before.

I knocked on the door, half expecting Angela's bright smile to greet me. But when the door creaked open, my breath hitched. Instead of Angela's cheerful face, I was greeted by a very different sight. A pair of piercing blue eyes stared back at me, completely unfazed.


Shirtless. In nothing but red Nike sweatpants, his bare chest covered in tattoos like a walking art gallery that wasn't taking visitors. Stupidly, I blinked for a few moments, sizing him up as if he were the first man I'd ever encountered in my existence.

"Uh... hey?" was all I managed to squeak out, my brain still processing the sight in front of me.

"You again?" A cheeky smile played on his lips as I met his eyes. Bold, and blue, and beautiful. "Did you come to apologize properly this time?" he teased, raising an eyebrow in mock expectation.

"What? No," I replied, rattled. His bone structure, impeccably symmetrical, and his captivatingly pale skin seemed to hijack my usual sound judgment. "I was actually looking for Angela." I said, attempting to sound nonchalant despite the lingering distraction of his manly presence.

"Well, you've got me instead. How about that?" Marshall's smirk widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he leaned casually against the door frame, his confidence palpable.

He was young, perhaps around my age, with a boyish appearance that held a certain charm. His closely cropped military-style hair framed prominent cheekbones and a slightly pointed nose, creating a striking contrast with his full, pink lips. Yet, it was his confidence and arrogance that added an intriguing layer to his character, making him more than meets the eye.

Focus, Emma! Angela is the mission here, not Shirtless Marvel's body canvas.

"Oh, lucky me," I muttered, trying to keep the sarcasm in check as a flush of shyness crept up my neck. My nerves were on edge, and of course, my traitorous cheeks gave me away. "Could you let Angela know I'm here, please?" I tried to regain some control, shifting the conversation away from him.

"Nah," he replied smoothly, his tone laced with mock indifference, like it was the most natural thing in the world to say no.

I blinked, taken aback. "Why not?" My eyes locked onto his, searching for a hint that he was messing with me. Was this guy serious?

Marshall tilted his head, his smirk growing wider. "Do I look like a personal assistant to you?"

My irritation flared. "I didn't ask for much. Just let Angela know I'm here." My patience was hanging by a thread.

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