Sweets, Secrets, and Swirly Curls

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Knock, knock!

The rhythmic tapping on my door pierced through the quiet sobs that had been my only company. My tears, mid-flow, stopped in confusion as I hastily wiped them away with the back of my hand. Who could it be? I didn't really know anyone in this city yet, no one who would knock at this hour. Maybe Logan, ever the thoughtful friend, had come back to check on me. Or worse, maybe my mother had, in a fit of overbearing concern, given my address to Alexander. Neither option filled me with much enthusiasm. All I wanted was to be alone—to cry, to think, to process.

Knock, knock!

The sound became more insistent, dragging me from my misery and forcing me to confront whoever stood on the other side. I stood, my legs still shaky, and made my way to the door, bracing myself for the unwelcome interruption.

When I opened it, I was met with the last thing I'd expected. A beautiful girl who looked like she'd just walked out of a sunshine factory. Her brown skin practically glowed, and her wild, curly hair framed her face like a halo—if halos were made of perfect spirals.

She had these big brown eyes, full of warmth and mischief, like she was permanently on the verge of laughing at an inside joke with the universe. Dressed in baggy jeans and a sleek black tank top, exuding a kind of effortless cool that made you take notice without her even trying.

Her energy hit me like a burst of pure caffeine—bright, uncontainable, and borderline overwhelming, like standing too close to a fireworks show. Honestly, if I were a vampire, I'd be dust by now.

"Hey," she said casually, leaning against the doorframe like we'd known each other for years. "You must be new here."

"Hi..." I replied, wiping the remnants of tears from my eyes with the back of my hand, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Yeah, I am."

"I'm Angela, by the way!" she announced with a grin, holding up a plate of freshly baked cookies like it was a peace offering. I looked down at the platter, still blinking through tear-blurred vision, and took it from her, feeling a bit caught off guard by her enthusiasm. "Figured, hey, new neighbor, why not spread some cookie joy?" she continued, her tone bright and easygoing, but the smile faltered slightly as she noticed my tear-streaked face. Her expression softened. "Sorry, is this a bad time?" she asked, her previous cheer melting into a more gentle understanding.

I sniffled and managed a small, weak smile, touched by her unexpected kindness. "No, it's just... been a rough night," I admitted, my voice barely steady, the weight of everything still pressing down on me.

Angela nodded like she understood all too well. "Well, rough nights call for cookies and maybe a little company. Mind if I join you?" She didn't wait for a full response, already stepping into my apartment, the door closing softly behind her. "Emma, right?" she asked, her tone light but curious.

I blinked, confused. How did she know my name?

"Yeah! Emma Spencer, nice to meet you!" I replied, glancing at her.

Angela's eyebrow shot up as she leaned against the table. "This rough night wouldn't have anything to do with Marshall, would it?" she asked, a knowing look crossing her face. Instantly, my mind flashed back to my encounters with my blue-eyed, grumpy neighbor. "I saw you two talking earlier in the yard. He can be a real jerk sometimes," she added with concern, watching as I set the plate of cookies on the table between us.

"Marshall? The rude, blue-eyed guy?" I repeated, my confusion clear as I frowned slightly. She nodded, confirming it was him. "Not really; it's been a crazy night in general, but I'll admit, this Marshall guy didn't exactly add any charm to it," I said, a small, reluctant smile tugging at my lips.

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