Unveiling Beats and Unspoken Feelings

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June 14th

Falling in love has never been something that happens all at once. It's not a lightning bolt or some grand revelation. It's quieter than that. More dangerous, maybe. It's in the way someone starts to occupy your thoughts when you're not paying attention. How their smile sneaks into your mind at the most inconvenient times, how you catch yourself thinking about what they'd say in the middle of your day. You tell yourself it's nothing, that it's harmless, but deep down, your gut is already screaming the truth. It always knows, doesn't it? Before your heart is even ready to admit it.

With Marshall, it's been like that. A slow burn, the kind that creeps up on you, ignites something within before you even realize it's happened. And it terrifies me. Everything in me knows he's not the safe choice. My gut keeps warning me that he's the kind of storm you get caught in, not the kind you outrun. But there's something about him. Something about the way he's all sharp edges and unpredictable moods, yet there's softness there too—hidden just beneath the surface, waiting for someone to notice.

And I've noticed. God, have I noticed. And maybe that's the problem. Because my gut is telling me he's trouble, but my heart is starting to wonder if trouble is exactly what I've been looking for.


I closed the diary with a soft thud, my fingers lingering on the worn cover for a moment. It was strange, how writing always made things feel more real. More complicated. I stood up, sliding the journal back onto my desk, then caught my reflection in the mirror. My heart did a strange little flip. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, taking one last look. Dark jeans, a fitted top, a light touch of makeup—casual, but not careless. I wanted to seem unbothered, like I hadn't spent far too much time debating what to wear, like I wasn't buzzing with anticipation.

But who was I kidding? The anticipation was killing me.

What could Marshall possibly want to show me? The curiosity buzzed like static in the air, mixing with a nervous excitement I couldn't quite shake. But with that excitement came caution. The last time he invited me anywhere, he had morphed from that quiet, almost shy guy in my apartment to the king of idiocy at the party. One moment, there was a glimpse of someone real, someone I could actually talk to, and the next, he was all bravado, wrapped in sarcasm and arrogance.

What was stopping him from doing that again?

Marshall's mood swings were like spring weather—unpredictable, occasionally delightful, but capable of sudden, inexplicable storms. One moment, he's all warmth and charm; the next, he's as approachable as a porcupine. What gives? And mostly, why do I feel both baffled and bizarrely attracted to this human enigma?

Just as I was about to open the door, my phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts. The screen lit up with "Mom," and I sighed, bracing myself before answering. Within five minutes, she had dropped the bombshell: she and Dad were planning a surprise visit.

"Surprise!" she said with the enthusiasm of someone announcing a lottery win, not a full-blown parental invasion. And yes, Dad too—which was about as common as a solar eclipse on a leap year. This sudden pilgrimage could only mean one thing: I was in for it. Big time.

And because fate loves a good laugh, their 'casual dinner' was scheduled for none other than tomorrow night. Of course. The countdown to 'Emma's Evening of Interrogations' had officially begun, and I could already feel the impending family drama looming.

I sighed, grabbing my bag and heading for the door. My footsteps echoed in the quiet apartment as I locked up and made my way downstairs. But my mind wasn't on tomorrow's dinner—it was on tonight, on Marshall. Was this going to be another whirlwind of confusion, or would this finally be the moment where I understood him?

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