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New Story!!!

This story will be kinda short probably not longer than 10 chapters. Could be more. Billie probably won't be famous in this. I will see.

Can you tell I like writing different world Brandon and Billie? So yeah it will be pretty different, them in highschool together, them going to college, them being the SAME age, makes it less complicated, etc. Also I like bringing fucked up families into everybody's lives so it makes me feel better about my own.

Enjoy. Let me know if you like it...


It wasn't possible.

Not Brandon.

It couldn't be Brandon.

It couldn't be Brandon sitting at an outdoor table of a cafe across from some brunette wearing glasses, holding hands with her and leaning flirtatiously towards each other at their table.

But it was him.

She could recognize that coloured curly hair and that heart stopping smile anywhere.

"Please tell me I'm imagining this..." Billie whispered, her heart stopped as she watched the two of them converse. "Zoe. Please, please tell me I'm imagining this"

Zoe took her hand and squeezed it "Billie..."

Even Zoe couldn't deny it. Billie felt her eyes sting with tears as her throat tightened dangerously.

She couldn't believe it. After all they'd been through, after all they'd had to go through to get to where they were now. How could he do that type of shit to her?

They'd known each other for life.

She'd entrusted him with her heart.

And he'd crushed it in one afternoon, sitting there holding hands with some harlot in a cafe.

"Zoe... What do you see across the street?" Billie asked quietly, her voice shaking.

She couldn't take her eyes off of it. It was wrecking her with each second that passed, but she couldn't turn away.

"I see Brandon with another woman holding hands" Zoe said, sounding ashamed, as she wished she wasn't seeing the same thing.

Billie shook her head slowly. She closed her eyes momentarily, hoping that perhaps it was a lie. But when she opened them, she was still met with the same image. She took in a deep, shuddering breath and wrenched her hand out of Zoe's, spinning on her heel and taking off back inside the park and back the way they'd come.

"Billie! Wait!" Zoe called out behind her.

But Billie was gone.

She couldn't stay there and see that.

She couldn't.


Billie pouted, crossing her arms petulantly across her chest as she leaned against the outside wall of her first grade class.

It wasn't fair.

She had gotten time out and was supposed to stand outside of her classroom just because she had pinched one of the girls in her class for laughing at her for not having a daddy. Why didn't Sadie get in trouble? She had been making fun of her.

Her afternoon recess was taken away and she had to stand out in the hallway until the principal called her mommy. Billie didn't care though. Her mommy wouldn't let her get in trouble when the other girl started it. Besides. Her daddy wasn't gone. He just went on a business trip. He was going to come back soon.

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now