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This blew.

Billie had gotten detention because of Zoe's stupid meddling and on top of that, she was forced to sit in this classroom for three hours for trying to protect her "sister" when she'd almost gotten harassed by an asshole.

And the most annoying part?


He kept looking at her as if he was trying to say something but would lose his nerve and face the front after not saying anything. It was driving her nuts. She really needed him to cut the bullshit out because she was starting to get pissed off. It was oddly reminiscent of their first meeting in a way, and if Billie wasn't in such a bad mood already, she would have found it amusing.

She just wanted to stew in her own anger and irritation without his annoying staring. Was that too much to fucking ask?

Billie dug around her pocket, sighing in relief when she found her spare cigarette and it still had just about enough for a handful of puffs before she'd be done with it. She brought it carefully to her lips, yanking out her lighter and lighting the butt.

"You're not seriously going to smoke that in here, are you?" Brandon asked incredulously beside her.

She ignored him, taking a couple small puffs before letting out the smoke, little by little so as not to cause too much to drift up at once and to give it time to evaporate a bit. If she wasn't careful, the smoke would collect too thickly.

"Billie. You'll set off the sprinklers" he growled, sounding annoyed.

"Oh so you do know my name" She rose a brow, side eyeing him briefly before going back to her treat "I'm not 'Hey' anymore"

He frowned "Don't try to act like I'm the only one who stopped talking"

"You were certainly the only one who made big efforts to break away from our friendship" Billie grumbled, irritated that he still seemed to know her well enough that he had figured out what she had been referring to easily.

"That's not true and you know it" Brandon shrugged off his jacket, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, and Billie forced herself not to stare at his arms "We both stepped away"

"But you stepped away first, when you started dating Ava the cheerleader who was your ticket to popularity" Billie scoffed in disgust, running a hand through her tangled blue hair "You completely changed when you joined their group. Turned into a cliche from some dweeby teen novel. A jock who dates popular girls to get some. And through it all, I sat there wondering what happened to the dorky Brandon I once knew. The things I've heard about you are absolutely disgusting. This girl you hooked up with and that girl. If I known this is how you'd turn out to be, I wouldn't have even wasted my time with you when we were younger"

She hadnt meant to spill all of her feelings on the matter, but she'd suddenly felt an ache in her chest. A deep ache and longing for her friendship back and the words had spilled out before she could contain them. Plus, the metal from the locket under her shirt was almost burning her, reminding her of what she had lost with each passing second she was stuck in detention with him.

"Me? I've changed? If I'm a cliche jock, then you're that cliche edgy, rebellious character who acts like the whole world is out to get them" Brandon was looking absolutely floored right now, staring at her like she'd lost her fucking mind "Since when do you smoke and bring rusted pipes to school? You know what things I've heard about you? You're known as the Blowjob Bitch by some of the guys on my team. Are you going around giving blowjobs for money at school? Where the fuck is your dignity?"

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now