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Sorry this chapter is like a filler chapter i'm sorry if it doesn't include a whole bunch of Brandon and Billie but the story will get better!!! Promise. This is technically still introducing the characters. Enjoy.


Unfortunately like many friendships tossed ruthlessly in an unpredictable and unfamiliar environment without proper protection, theirs drifted and suffered after middle school.

They'd tried to make it work but they'd always had different interests. Billie was more interested in art and music, and Brandon was more into sports. So naturally, they found group of friends who reflected those same interests and joined clubs where they could enjoy their talents. Billie befriended Gawa, a fellow art friend and got in with the so called "rebels". Brandon befriended Prince, a fellow sports nut, and got in with the jocks. And naturally, the more time they spent with their new groups and friends, the less time they spent with each other.

By the end of freshman year, they were no longer attached at the hip. By the end of sophomore year, they were only saying hi in the hallways or smiling and waving as they passed each other. And by the end of junior year, there was nothing left.

Brandon developed a reputation as a partying jock, popular and always dating around. Billie developed hers as a Rebellious Art and Music freak who didn't give a fuck about life but could kick your ass in 2.5 seconds if you pissed her off. They had become two completely different people on two completely different sides of the spectrum.

It got to the point where Billie only heard about Brandon through gossip and things she heard around the school. Things made her wonder if he honestly was as bad as he sounded in these rumours. Things that made her want to slap him upside the head and tell him he was being a dumbass. It got to the point where her mother eventually stopped asking where Brandon was or why he wasn't coming over to hang out with her anymore.

It got to the point where everyone seemed to forget that Brandon and Billie had even been best friends in the first place. Seeing them now, no one would ever believe that they had been close once upon a time. Because as close and loving as their old relationship had been, they were as far apart as the North and South Pole now.

It seemed like a distant dream to Billie now. The nights spent talking about their hopes and dreams for the future, supporting one another in their most difficult times, all the secrets they knew about each other. Their first kiss.

Like faded memories of a simpler times.

"I'm going to get some more stuff out of the moving van, Bil" Maggie said, handing Billie a tattered shoe box "I found this in your closet before we left. I don't think you remembered it was there"

Billie took it reluctantly

"Thanks Mom"

Maggie left Billie's room, and she peered out of the window of their new place to the back garden. They lived in a better part of town now, a nicer house.

Her mother had gotten remarried a couple months ago to her boyfriend of a year. Andrew Shaft, right before the start of senior year, and they had moved into a bigger house to live as a family.

Andrew was alright. He wasn't too intrusive in her business. Him and Finneas particularly like each other, but that was okay because Finneas had moved out a couple months ago with his girlfriend Claudia. He didn't try to act as her father and wasn't pushy to build a relationship with her. He listened when she wanted to rant and mostly he was like a mentor to her when she needed one. Billie doubted at her age that she would ever see Andrew as a father figure, but he was cool and he didn't pester her about her choice of dangerous lifestyle, so she was okay about the whole remarriage thing. Plus, her mother was happy, and though Billies relationship with her mom was fairly stagnant because she wasn't around that much, Billie still wanted the best for her mother.

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now