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Even though she and Brandon did attempt to rebuild their friendship, they didn't exactly become friend right off the bat. Yes, they were obviously friends, but it wasn't that simple.

For one, there was something different about their interactions. Some weird tension and something a little big charged every time they talked. And above that, they couldn't hang out regularly at school, nor did they have that much time to be around each other.

Billie was still with her rebellious crew after all, and Brandon was still a popular jock. It would never work for them to just hang out with each other. Plus, they didn't have the same interests because he still disapproved of a lot of her lifestyle, and she hated the way he liked to live his, though Billie had stopped smoking and Brandon stopped hooking up with girls. Unlike them at their youth, a friendship with them so different in their current time wasn't compatible the way they wanted it to be.

But they were still drawn to each other.

To make sure Brandon knew she was thinking about him and their relationship was important to her even if they weren't able to return to the them of their youth, she wore the locket out in the open. Some of her friends remembered it from freshman year and asked her why she suddenly started to wear it again, but she would never tell.

Growing back into their friendship was stilted and awkward, but slowly, she and Brandon started to talk more. Started to open up more and become more comfortable with each other. And aside from the odd moments with lingering looks and smiles that were a bit too affectionate for being friends, they didn't seem to have any issues.

"You sure it's okay having me over?" Brandon asked, rubbing the back of his neck as they made their way up Billies driveway.

She gave him a look over her shoulder, "Relax, Que. My mom doesnt know anything about why we stopped hanging out. She doesn't hate you"


Billie unlocked their door and walked in, slipping her hand into Brandons' and tugging him in. He looked around in surprise, clearly taking in how different Billie's home was from the one he had been used to in their youth.

"Mom, I'm home. And I brought a guest"

He walked with her through the living room where Maggie and Andrew were sitting, cuddled on the couch and watching a movie. They both turned their heads with a smile, but when they saw Brandon, Maggie's grin widened and Andrew scowled.

"Who's your boyfriend, Billie?" Maggie teased playfully

"Mom" Billie rolled her eyes "It's Brandon. Remember him?"

Billie was vaguely aware that she hadn't corrected the boyfriend mistake, but part of her couldn't deny it honestly did feel like she had brought home a boyfriend instead of a best friend.

"Hey, Ms. Baird" Brandon said with a slightly sheepish grin

Maggie blinked at him for a few seconds, clearly running through attributes she remembered of the younger him. And then something seemed to click in her mind. Maggie stood up slowly, walking around the couch with her jaw dropped in shock. She stopping in front of them and chuckled in astonishment.

"Oh my God. Brandon as in your Brandon?"

"Yes mom"

"How the hell did you let this friendship go? Look at him"

And Billie's cheeks flushed in embarrassment. Every time she used to bring Brandon over, her mother would embarrass her. This was no different, only now it was worse because her mom had a suggestive smile on her that was making her feel awkward.

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now