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The last chapter...

It took Billie only a few hours, after staring at the apartment door long after Aiden had left, to figure out what she had to do.

Enough was enough.

Billie didn't think twice. She snatched her locket off of her neck and left her apartment, not giving a damn that she was wearing her pajama bottoms or that it was almost freezing outside or that it pouring rain and soaking her to the bone.

She ran down the sidewalks through the rain, not thinking, just running as hard as she could, her locket clutched in her clenched fist and hair plastered to her head. She ran right to Brandon's complex, rage buzzing through through her mind. And she didn't stop running until she was in front of his apartment door. She reared her fist back and pounded loudly on the door as she fought to catch her breath. She was crying, the difference between the tears or the rain on her face was impossible to tell. But none of that mattered right now.

"Open up Brandon!" she barked, banging harder on the door. "I know you're home!"

Her hand was numb by the time she finally heard the locks unlatch, and Brandon swung open his door, scowling in annoyance. When he saw her, his brows furrowed in concern, stunned by her sudden appearance.

"Billie, you're drenched."

"Shut up!"

She brushed right past Brandon and stormed into his apartment, feeling nothing but pure fury towards him. Brandon shut his door and turned around to face her, a brow raised in mild irritation.

"Mind telling me what unpleasant meeting is about?"

"You know damn well what this is about!" Billie screamed through a sob, hurling the locket at him with everything she had.

He caught it in the air before it could hit him and stared at it, eyes narrowed.

"The locket"

"I'm done with you, you asshole! You ruined me! You infected my mind! You infected Aiden's mind and you ruined our engagement! It's over thanks to you and your fucking mouth! I hate you so much! Why can't I get your stupid face out of my mind? Why can't I stop thinking about you?! I just don't want to think about you anymore! I want to be over you but you but you won't let me!"

She breathed heavily, taking in large gulps of air as she tried to catch her breath. Brandon watched her patiently, an indecipherable expression on his face as Billie angrily swiped tears om her eyes.

"Wellcongratu-fucking-lations, you dick! You succeeded! I can't move on because you're the only fucking thing on my mind! Are you happy now?" she yelled.

Her words echoed slightly through the apartment when she stopped talking, blinking up at him, her heart pounding recklessly in her chest.

"Are you done?" Brandon asked calmly, tossing her locket onto his couch as he walked over to her.

Billie stared up at him when he stopped in front of her, her lower lip quivering the slightest bit.


She reached up and fisted the collar of his shirt, yanking him down sharply and crushing her lips to his. He kissed her back feverently, his hands sliding down her sides and gripping her hips as he pulled her closer to him. She moaned into his mouth as his hands gripped her ass, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and clawing her fingers into his hair.

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now