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"Where's Gawa..." Billie giggled, trying to put a piece of hair into Brandon's ear as he hitched her back up when she started to slip from his back "Wasn't he at the party?"

"He's still at the party trying to keep Zoe and Adam out of trouble. You're lucky he went with you guys. Stopped that asshole from trying to take advantage of you and called me" Brandon said as he finally reached her bedroom window. He sat her down gently, making sure she could lean against the wall instead of face planting on the ground. He tugged open her window, peeking to see if there was a trap waiting for him. "Alright, you have to stay quiet, Billie. I know you're wasted as fuck, but if we get caught by Andrew, I'm screwed."

"Awww... But he likes you know, Que"

"Sure he does" Brandon muttered sarcastically, climbing into her window and then turning around to give her a hand. She climbed in part of the way, and Brandon took her waist, pulling her in the rest in a routine they'd done too many time to count at that point. He set her on her feet. "He only shows it by sharpening knifes every time I come over and talking about the shovel he has in the back of his car."

"I do too, you know?" Billie mumbled, stumbling towards her bed in a daze. She landed face first and started snorting with laughter, wondering why the world was suddenly spinning "I like you, Brandon"

"I know" He sighed, walking over to her and stopping beside her bed "I like you too, Billie"

Not what she had meant, but clearly he didn't understand. Billie liked him. Probably even loved him, really.

He peeled off her heels and then helped her tug off the tight jacket before tossing them both behind him.

Billie frowned. She did love him. She loved him a lot and she wanted to tell him. To hell with her fears.

She blinked, trying to focus her vision on Brandon, her gaze serious as she grasped his bicep.

"You're mine, right?" Billie said

"Yeah, I'm yours"

Billie patted the spot next to her. "Can you stay with me for a bit? I'm lonely"

"Sure. Shove over, Pirate"

"I don't wanna..." she whined

Brandon rolled his eyes but grabbed her around her midriff to shift her closer to the wall. Billie squealed, laughing and kicking her legs when he accidentally tickled her. He moved her to one side of her bed and plopped down next to her, chuckling to himself.

"Right, I forgot how ticklish you get when you're drunk"

He rolled over onto his side, watching her as she struggled to get hair out of her face, sputtering when a bunch of strands got in her mouth. Billie pushed her hair out of her face with a huff before turning on her side and smiling flirtatiously at him and batting her eyelashes.

"Hi" he said softly, a small, amused smile on his lips


She scooted closer to him, pressing herself against him as she stared at his lips. Brandon watched her silently, his breathing a little heavier than it was before.

"I like you, Brandon" Billie murmured, reaching up and wrapping her hand around the back of his neck "Not like a best friend. Or a brother"

He searched her eyes, the smile on his face slowly dropping from her words.


She wondered briefly if it was stupid to try to change things between them, but at that moment she no longer cared. Leaning forward, she briefly pressed her lips to his, barely there before backing a little way.

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now