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Billie had a feeling that college wouldn't be the same. That it would be yet another new obstacle in their relationship. She and Brandon went to UCLA together but college had a way of changing them. They were okay at the beginning, but as expected, things got harder.

Billie got a little wilder after she befriended a girl named Drew, partying more and not taking school seriously, finding it to be a terrible bore since her interests had always lied solely with music. She, like Drew, never saw the point in spending money for a college education when her goals for the future didn't necessarily need a degree.

Brandon, on the other hand, befriended a particularly school insensitive and fellow pre-law student named Mason and mellowed out, losing his partying edge and became even more serious about school. He played basketball and was dead-set on becoming a lawyer, so as a student athlete with a political science major on a pre-law track, he was pretty busy. He disapproved of Billie's behaviour, finding her frequent partying danuting and irresponsible.

Brandon wanted them to be more like adults in college. Billie wanted to hold on to their youth for as long as possible.

And as expected, the differences took their toll on their relationship. 

It drove a wedge between them that only grew worse as the years continued on. They were strong in early college, but much like their friendship in high school, come junior year, things began to regress to the point they both wanted out. They both realized they hadn't been romantic in a while, and it was beginning to feel like a chore to be in a relationship things.

They both began to feel that they'd been trying to continue to force a relationship. And on top of that, their lives were converging, and they really didn't have the time for each other nor did they feel like making any efforts to maintain their relationship.

So it didn't come as a surprise when Brandon came over to her dorm room one evening with a grim look on his face. Billie was hungover and barely awake as he stood in her doorway, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. His decision to remain in the hallway notwithstanding, Billie could tell what he had come here for from a mile away. She knew it had been a long time coming, especially since the last time they'd actually had sex or gone on any sort of date was weeks ago.


"You think we should break up." She finished for him, since clearly he was having some trouble finishing his statement.

He nodded, looking apologetic. "I just feel like we're going two different places and this whole relationship is starting to feel forced."

"No, I get it." Billie let out a long sigh. "I've been feeling the same way too."

"I would rather we end things on a good note while we're still friends before we start fighting instead of ending things sour and no longer being able to talk." Brandon continued. "I've seen how some friends end up after dating . No longer being able to hang out together. Barely talking. I don't want that with you. Because you're still my best friend."

Billie nodded with a smile, wrapping her hand around the comforting locket.

"Yeah. I agree. And I guess we should just let whatever happen, happen?" Billie suggested. "If we're meant to be, we'll find each other again someday"

Brandon stared at her, his gaze tinged with something a little melancholic and sorrowful. Billie knew she probably had the same look on her face.

"So that's the end?"

"I guess so...But promise me-no matter what happens-we'll always remain best friends, Que"

Billie and Brandon: It requires timeWhere stories live. Discover now