Back to normal. Almost.

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We just landed home. I'm happy I'm home but I loved France so much. We get to baggage claim and meet up with the boys body guard Rob. We get our stuff and we head to my house to drop me off. We arrive and I get out and Nick follows me. He helps me get my bag out and walks me to the door.
"I had so much fun getting to really know you!"
"So did I jonas."
"Well I'm making tomorrow night our official first date."
"But bad news is that we go on tour next week."
"That soon. Aw I'm going to miss you."
"Me too, well I think your mom is waiting for you."
He points through the window at my mom looking out the door. We both laugh and I give him a kiss and a hug. He walks back to the car and I wave to the family. I walk in and my mom runs over to me and hugs me.
"How was France."
"I see, I mean I saw your instagram and that kiss right there. Your dating a Jonas aren't you!"
"Yep, tomorrow is our first official date and then they go on tour next week. So no seeing Dani for a little bit."
"Ok, but grandma is coming over for dinner."
"Ok, I'm gonna take a shower."
"Got it, don't be too long."
"Ok, I also brought you something."
I pull out a bag of candy and her face lights up.
"There my favorite. Thank you."
"No problem. The Jonas's know about today and they felt bad that about it So we all got you some candy."
"Next time we see them I'll say thanks. Now you should go unpack your bag."
"Got it. I'm gonna do my project while waiting."
"Ok love you."
"Love you too mom."
I take my bag upstairs and run to my room. I lay down on my bed feeling at home. I get into the shower and change into some Nice jeans and a nice sweater. I walk out and unpack a decent amount of my bag then pull my laptop out. I take my SD card out of my camera and get some editing done. I'm finishing the photos up so I can show them on a power point of our trip soon probably at Dani and Kevins. I finish editing and I turn on Netflix. I was pooped after traveling most of the day. After about 20 minutes, the doorbell rings. I head downstairs and my grandma was walking in.
"Hey Grammy."
"Hello Liz. How was your trip?"
"Amazing, I just got back today!"
"Great, your mom also told me about your new boyfriend. What's his name?"
"Nick Jonas!"
"I've heard him I think. I've seen him on Ellen before."
"Yeah he's in the band The Jonas Brothers. There actually going on tour next week."
"Oh well that's great for them."
"Yeah, well let's eat."
"We are actually waiting for a few more people."
"Mom, who did you invite this time."
"Its a surprise Liz. They should be here soon."
"Wait, why did you cook so much food."
"You will find out in a moment."
I decided not to ask anymore questions and just took a seat on the couch and went through my phone. A little bit later and the doorbell rings.
"Liz, can you get that."
I walk to the door and open it. Then I saw the Jonas's and Dani at the door.
"What the-."
"I called your mother and talked to her earlier and she invited all of us over."
"Oh wow. Well come in. That's why you made more food then usual."
They all laugh at that comment and they come in. We have a small cozy home so it was a little bit tight space with all the Jonas's inside it. We all sat around the table and I sat next to my grandma and Nick. We said a prayer and started to eat. After dinner, everyone took a seat on the couch when I said I had something for them. I ran upstairs and grabbed my laptop and cord. I came back downstairs and plugged my laptop cord into the tv and my screen came up. I then clicked on the PowerPoint of all the photos from the trip and went through them.
"Wow Liz thank you so much. It's amazing."
"I had fun doing it. I'll email all of them to you guys or I can have them printed."
"How about both."
"Well it's getting late. We should head home. We have a meeting tomorrow with the band about tour."
"But dad, it's only 7:30."
"Enough Nicholas. You can see her tomorrow."
"Thank you so much for dinner Mrs. Hally."
"It was my pleasure to have you guys over. And thank you for the candy."
"Your welcome. Well I think we will see you soon."
"Most definitely."
We all go around and give hug. Then when I reach Nick, our parents had to pull us apart because we didn't want to let go. I give him a kiss and he blushes. Then Joe comes up behind me.
"He really likes you. It's different then anyone else."
"I can tell. He's amazing."
"See you soon Liz."
"See ya Joe."
I close the door when everyone was out and I turn around my mouth just hangs open.
"How did you pull that one off."
"I knew you would like it. I had to see how nice that Nick guy was."
"Really mom."
"What, he could have been the total opposite of Kevin. I would have never knew."
"Ok then."
"Wait until the next one."
"Next what."
"I mean."
"Mom, what are you planning."
"Something. His parents and in it and you will love it. That's all you need to know. Now, on to bed you go."
"Mom, I'm in college I don't need a bedtime."
"If you want to go on that date you have one."
"But- fine. Night mom, Night Grammy."
"Goodnight dear. It was great seeing you."
"You too."
"Night Liz. Love you."
"Love you too mom."
I give them each a hug and I go upstairs. I change into my pajamas and get into bed. I look at my phone and see Nick texted me goodnight. I rely back goodnight and put my phone down. I turn over and I'm so happy. It's been a great day!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
It's shorter but I liked it.
(1100 words)

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