So Sweet!

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I was woken up the next morning by the bus coming to a stop. I look over and see Nick starting to wake up. I try to get out of bed but I realize that my crutches are farther then I thought.
"I need help."
"Now what."
"My crutches are farther then I thought and I'm about to fall."
He gets out of bed and catches me before I could really fall. I sit back down and he hands me my crutches. We both walk out of our room and see Joe, and Mr, and Mrs. Jonas sitting in the living room changed and ready to go.
"Good morning you two. We have to leave the bus in 20 minutes so let's get going!"
I turn around and go back to our room and do my best to change. I had to put a sports bra on and a Jonas Brothers sweatshirt so I was mostly comfortable. I put my leggings on and I pack up the rest of my stuff while Nick walks in.
"That was quick."
"Yeah, I just have to be a bit more on the comfortable side today. I'll change once we get to New York."
"I need your help now, should I go with the black sweatshirt and sunglasses or a white sweatshirt and sunglasses."
"Omg such a hard decision. What sunglasses are you wearing?"
"My black ones with my black baseball hat."
"Black sweatshirt."
"Yep, I'm gonna go get myself some coffee now."
I walk out of our room and walk to the kitchen and I see Joe eating something.
"How's crippled doing?"
"Love the nickname. Fine, I have to take my medicine soon but I almost fell this morning."
"That sucks. Love the sock on your foot."
"I know right. Big marvel fan right here."
"And you didn't know us. Weird."
"Just saying, do you think a boy band and superhero's go together."
"You've got a point. Where's your bag."
"In my room, but Nick should be bring it out."
Then on cue, Nick walks out with the bags.
"Alright we are ready to go."
We all get off the bus and sense it was a bit of a longer flight, we are taking the jet. We got caught by some paparazzi but not may saw us walking to the plane. Why Nick wore all black is still a good question I have zero clue why. Once we get on the plane, I take a seat and just relax. Then I start to feel the pain kicking in. I grab my purse that was next to me and I take my meds out and take them. Then Nick sits next to me with something to drink.
"How are you feeling?"
"Fine, I just took my meds so they should kick in soon."
"Nice, well I'm gonna nap."
"Right behind yah boy."
I rest my head on his shoulder and he puts his on top of mine. He grabs my hand and we both drift off to sleep for the rest of the flight. After what felt like a little bit, we are awoken by the plane landing.
"We already landed?"
"Yeah you two sleepy heads. Come on."
I shake Nick up and tell him we landed. Dani handed me my crutches and I got up and we all walked out. Once we got off, we saw some paparazzi but weren't to worried about it. We had to go to the hotel before we had to go to the show. We get to the car/ basically a bus and we drive to the hotel. Once we arrive, we check in and all go to our rooms. We walk into ours and put our bags away and I pull out some jeans and a nice crop top out. I walk into the bathroom and I'm able to fully change without any problems. Kinda surprising not gonna lie. I walk back out and I put my crutches to the side and lay on the bed next to Nick.
"I changed by myself."
"Good for you."
"I know right."
"Well we gotta get going or mom is gonna scream at us."
"Alright let's go."
We both get up and walk out and to the front lobby with the rest of the group. Once we all are there we get in the car and drive to the studio. I never really realized how nice New York is. I've been to it millions of time but never realized how nice it actually is. Once we arrive at the studio, it was a really long walk from where we parked.
"Well this should be fun."
"What- oh the walk. Get on my back."
"What about my crutches?"
"Joe, carry these."
I hand Joe my crutches and I get on Nicks back. He basically runs the whole way while trying not to almost drop me. Once we get to the door, everyone catches up with us and Joe hands me my crutches. We all walk in and the boys check in and we head backstage realizing that the show is gonna start soon.
"Good luck boys. Dani come on we gotta get to our seats."
"Ok I'm coming."
I give Nick a kiss and Dani and I walk out to our seats in the front row surprisingly. Once we sit down, it was about minutes later the show started. The boys where first so after they where down, we where gonna head back to the hotel and maybe do something. After Jimmy talks for a bit, he introduces the boys.
"Today for our first guests we have my favorite pair of brothers. The Jonas brothers everyone!"
They walk out on stage and we all clap for them.
"Hello guys. It's been a minute sense I've seen you guys."
"Good seeing you again Jimmy. Yeah we haven't been here in a little bit."
"So, how has tour been going?"
"Really good so far. It's always amazing meeting fans but it's the best when you get to spend the time on the road with your family and friends."
"Yeah, Nick your girlfriend has been with you guys for a while on tour and here's a photo from earlier today. Is she alright."
He shows the photo of Nick helping me over to the plane this morning. That ones embarrassing.
"Oh yeah she's fine. Other then her breaking her foot she's all good."
"Well can I ask what happened?"
"It's up to her to be honest."
The boys look at me and then Jimmy sees me.
"Oh there she is. What's her name again."
"Thanks, Liz can they tell me the story?"
The camera pans over to me and I shake my head yes.
"Well, her and my wife Dani, where having what was supposed to be a bit of a girls afternoon but the first store they went to was a shoe store. But she tried on really tall heels and when she was walking around, tripped and broke her foot."
"Oo that's not fun. Well when we come back from this break, we are gonna play a game of answer the question with the Jonas Brothers."
The cameras cut and the boys go on there phones like usual. I text Nick a hi and he looks at me and smiles. After a bit the show comes back on and Jimmy gets some questions ready.
"Alright so basically I'm gonna ask a question and you either have to answer it or do a random dare from a paper out of this hat."
"Sounds fun."
"Okay first question. What is the weirdest thing you have called a girl?"
Oh god, this can't be good.
"Well, when I first met my wife Dani, I called her hot stuff."
I look over and Dani's face was beat red. I just laughed because I remembered when she called me and told me that a random boy she met called her hot stuff.
"This morning I called Nicks girlfriend Crippled. Wasn't the nicest but it was a bit odd."
"That's interesting. Well what's your story Nick?"
"I called one of my ex's a good lookin person. A bit awkward not gonna lie."
"That's a bitch awkward true."
After they talk for a while longer about there tour and they preformed a quick show. After it was over, Dani and I went back to backstage and met up with everyone, even Jimmy before intermission was over.
"And you must be Liz I'm gonna guess."
"Yep, I am. And as Joe said, I'm the crippled one."
"Nice to finally meet you."
"You too. I've watched your show for a while nnot gonna lie."
After we all talk, Jimmy had to get back onstage and the rest of us left. All we did all day was napped, watched some movies and played some board games. It's been a fun day not gonna lie.
Hope you enjoyed. The ending was just a whole bunch of words and I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense. I was writing this with a bad headache and it's late at night for me so it's probably not my best work.
(1535 words)

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