No Good News. See You Soon?!

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We arrive one morning later in Jersey. I was staying at home with my mom while everyone went home. I was dropped off first. I gave Nick a kiss and said goodbye to everyone and grabbed my bag and headed inside. I see my mom sitting on the couch upset and I have a bad feeling about this.
"I'm home for the next day."
"Hey sweetie. I need to talk to you."
I go over to the couch and sit in front of her.
"Grammy has passed. Just last night. It's happened in her sleep peacefully but it's sad. I would also like you to stay home from your for a while for right now. I can't be by myself."
"What, oh no. Yeah I understand. I'll call Nick. Don't be surprised if he's over here soon."
I grab my bag and head upstairs into my room. I lay on my bed and cry. My Grammy is gone and I can't go back on tour with the guys. It's upsetting but I know I can get through it. I pull my phone out and dial Nicks number.
"Hey Lizzie. Everything okay?"
"No, my Grammy passed away last night, and I can't come on tour with you guys anymore."
I just burst into tears when I tell him this.
"Oh no, I feel horrible. I'll tell my parents about you not coming anymore. Also, give me ten minutes ok."
"Thanks, bye."
"Bye baby."
I hang up and cry into my pillow. After a while I hear someone knock on the door. Then I heard my mom talking to someone.
"Oh hello Nick."
"Hey Mrs. Hally. Sorry for the loss."
"Thanks, Liz is upstairs in her room. Just keep the door open."
"Got it. Here are some chocolates for you also."
"Aw how sweet. Thank you."
I soon hear footsteps coming up the stairs. My door opens and I look over to see Nick standing at my door with a bag and a teddy bear in his hands.
"I had to run to target because I felt horrible. How are you?"
He comes over and sits next to me on my bed.
"Horrible. I lost another family member. Now it's basically just my mom and I."
"This sucks for everyone. Well you have my family now. And most likely Danielles family also."
"Yeah, it's just upsetting still. I was very close with her and now I can't ever see her alive again. It just breaks my heart."
"I know, this is the worst pain you will feel, then it gets better, I promise."
"Pinky promise?"
"Pinky promise."
I give him a kiss and he hands me the stuffed bear.
"The bear is now our child. We take turns with him so I'll take him tonight and you have him back tomorrow. But we need a name."
"Your hilarious Nick. His name should be, Paddy."
"Paddy it is. Here is some chocolate also. I know you wanted something sweet so here you are."
"You know me too well. Can you have them?"
"Nope, but I bought myself some sugar free gummy worms so I'm settled."
"Good, well wanna watch some Netflix?"
"What ever you wanna do."
"Ok Netflix it is. We never finished Jane The Virgin so let's do that."
I grabbed my laptop and brought it back over to my bed. I put Netflix on and cuddle into Nicks arms. After an episode, we hear the doorbell ring again.
"I don't think my mom told- oh."
"Well from last time I'm gonna guess you brother and sister in-law are here. If we are quiet, we can hear them."
"Not surprised."
Nick and I could just hear everyone and I was correct.
"Hey Mrs. Hally. We are so sorry about this. Kev and I brought over a few games to play with Liz if shes up to it?"
"Hello guys. Thanks for the concern. Liz is upstairs but make sure there is 4 player games. Nicks with her."
"Wow, I didn't know my brother was a softie."
I laugh at Kevin's comment and Nick gave me a look. We both sit up and I put my laptop away. A minute later, Kev and Danielle walk into my room. They each give me a hug and same with Nick.
"I'm so sorry about this. I know you where very close with her."
"Yeah, it's very upsetting but this is the worst it's gonna be and it will get better."
I give Nick a look and he smiles. Dani pulls out a few board games and sets up monopoly on my bed. We all somehow fit and start to play.
"Oh yeah, also I can't come on tour anymore with all this. My mom wants me home."
"Aw man. You where fun to have around."
"Thanks Kev, but when you get back, I'll be here to annoy you even more."
"I'm gonna miss my lunch buddy. But I'm staying here till after the Funeral with Alena and then I'll come back out after."
We play monopoly until all of us got bored of it. Then Dani pulls out Clue. It's one of my favorites to be honest. I was Miss Scarlet while Nick was Professor Plum. Kevin was Colonel Mustard and Dani had Mrs. Peacock. We played later into the night and I ended up winning. After that Kevin and Dani had to leave to pick Alena up from  Dani's parents. Shortly after, Nick had to go home. I walked him out and I was upset that tomorrow was our last day together for another month. I give him a kiss goodbye and he said that he will be by the next day to pick me up earlier. I went back inside and my mom and I had some soup for dinner sense neither of us wanted to cook. After dinner I was getting a bit tired so I headed to bed. I took a quick shower and got into bed. I watched some more JTV and then my phone went off.
"Hey Lizzie. Paddy and I miss you."
"Aww, I miss Paddy also."
"That one hurt."
"Just kidding, I miss you too. But don't you have soundcheck early tomorrow?"
"Not until Noon. But I wanted to spend the morning with you so that's why we are getting up early."
"Well I can't promise anything but you might have to pull me out of bed."
"I wouldn't be surprised. Also I can't sleep so."
"Aww does someone miss me so much they can't sleep."
"Maybe? I have a crazy idea. Wanna hear it."
"Why not."
"Drive over here, then you can stay the night."
"What will your parents say?"
"They won't mind. They know about what happened so they knew you would want me with you."
"Or Nick, crazy idea, why don't you come back over here."
"But I want my bed tonight And my girlfriend."
"Fine, but if I'm in trouble, it's on you pretty boy. Wait for me at the door, give me 5 minutes."
"Alright see you soon."
I hang up my phone and grab a bag and put my outfit in there for tomorrow. I take my bag and purse and head downstairs to see my mom still watching TV.
"Hey mom, do you mind if I stay the night at Nicks?"
"Nope, just don't do anything."
"MOM, really. Why would we?"
"It just came to my mind. I know he's not that bad. Alright go before your 5 minutes is up."
"Wha- alright, love you."
"Love you too. See you after sound check."
I rush to my car because it had just started to rain. But I got caught in it and I was basically soaked by the time I got to my car. I got in and put my music on and I was off. After a few minutes, I arrived at his house. I grabbed my stuff and I walked out and got even more wet. So my pajamas are basically ruined. But I had some shorts just incase. I saw Nick at the door waiting for me. I texted him to look out and he saw me. He opened the door and I walked it and the air just made me the coldest I've ever been.
"I see the rain got to you."
"Yep, and all I have is my outfit for tomorrow and a extra pair of shorts. This was my pajamas but I guess not anymore."
"You can borrow one of my sweatshirts. Come on, let's get you warmed up."
We walked up to his room and he handed me one of his comfiest sweatshirts and I went to the bathroom and changed. I walked out and went back to his room. I saw him in bed cuddling with Paddy.
"I guess someone is gonna miss him while he's gone?"
"Totally. He's my buddy and son so why wouldn't I."
"True, now shush. Mama needs some beauty sleep."
"Night Lizzie."
"Night Jonas."
I give him a kiss and he puts his arm around me. We both fall asleep greatly and it felt nice to be with him. Especially after today's news.
Hope you enjoyed.
Im on a roll with writing right now and I'm very proud of myself.
It probably doesn't help that I wrote this at 2:00 am so I probably had horrible spelling in most of this.
(1581 words)

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