Hello Again!

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It's been a couple of weeks sense the boys have been on tour and I miss Nick and Dani so much.
"Liz get up."
"But it's summer. I don't have to wake up early."
"Well I guess you don't want your surprise trip."
"Ugh, fine."
My mom has been planning this trip for me for a while and I have zero clue on what she's doing. I get up and get changed into an outfit that I can wear to the airport. I head downstairs and see my mom holding an envelope.
"Here, open it."
I open it and my mouth drops.
The Letter
Liz, we want you to have come on tour with us the rest of the time. Nick misses you and doesn't know what's going on. We hope you will come and see you soon.
   Your Favorite JoBros-
         Kevin and Joe Jonas.
"Wait, really mom."
"Yep, and Nick still doesn't know. The brothers and their body guard are picking you up at the airport. Dani doesn't know yet either. I think. Also, there in Texas. So it's there day off and there staying at there house there so I just wanted to tell you. I'm gonna miss you. But there coming to Jersey in two weeks I think."
"OMG thanks mom. I love this. Let's get going."
"Yeah, and on our way, your eating a muffin."
I rush upstairs and grab my suitcase and carryon. My mom hands me a muffin while we are heading out the door. We arrive at the airport and I give my mom a big hug.
"I'm gonna miss you."
"Me too. Now go have fun. Don't forget to call me every night."
"I won't, love you."
"Love you too."
I walk into the airport and check my bag in and go through security. When I get out of security, I go straight to Starbucks because I needed coffee for this long flight. I got my coffee and headed to the gate. As soon as I took my seat, we started to board. Once I got on, I had a row to myself so I was pretty happy. I fell asleep once we got in the air for the whole time. The flight attendant woke me up once we landed and I was last off the plane. I got out and walked to baggage claim. I look around and see two older guys with sunglasses on and hats on. Then I see a big guys standing behind them. It was Joe and Kevin. They saw me the same time I saw them and I ran over to them and hugged each of them.
"Where you surprised."
"Yeah, and I've been ignoring Nick like you guys said to."
At the end of the letter really small it said not to text or call Nick that whole day.
"Good, ok let's get your bags and go."
We went over and got my bags then went to the car. We got in and I went on my phone to see that Nick had totally blown it up in messages and voicemails. So did Dani, I think they might be a little worried.
"Oh yeah Dani doesn't know either that we did this."
"Thanks for the late notice Kevin."
We arrive at there house and once I get out of the car, my eyes went big. This is the most beautiful house I've ever seen.
"Here's your bag."
"Thanks Joe. Is Nick home?"
"Oh yeah, he's probably in the music room writing sense you aren't answering. Dani's probably in the kitchen upset that you aren't answering also."
"Ok, let's go surprise them."
We walk up the the front door and the boys walk in first.
"Where home with the surprise."
"Hey Kev. So what is the- LIZ."
Dani was caught off guard when she saw me but she came up to my and squeezed me.
"Shh, we don't want Nick knowing."
"This is what you all have been hiding from that boy. He's upset because she isn't answering. He thinks he did something wrong."
"Oh, well is he in the music room?"
"What do you think? Yes, but he's not happy."
Joe leads me to the music room and he walks in first. I hear him talk to Nick a little bit.
"Hey Nick. How's it hanging?"
"Where did you guys go."
"Oh we had to pick something up."
"Ok, well Lizzie hasn't been answering me and I'm worried."
"Oh, well do you want your gift that we had to pick up."
"What gift."
"I think you will like it."
I walk in and Nicks face drops. He's in total shock.
He gets up and runs over to me. He picks me up and spins me around the room. Then he gives me a kiss.
"Your brothers surprised you and Dani. And me. My mom didn't tell me until this morning."
"What are you here for."
"She's coming on tour with us dude. We wanted to surprise you."
"Wow, that's amazing!"
He picks me up again and gives me another kiss. Nick walked back to his guitar and I went to the kitchen to hang out with Dani for a little bit.
"How was the flight?"
"Good, I had a row to myself and I fell asleep the whole time there. I'm surprised I slept to be honest."
"Me too, want a late lunch?"
"Sure, what do you got?"
"Here's a sandwich, but dinner will be done soon."
We talk for a bit and then Nicks parents walk in.
"Oh hello Liz. I forgot you where coming in today!"
"Hey. Yeah, I just got here about an hour ago."
"Nick still in the music room?"
"Yeah, but I wanted to spend some time with Dani so that's why I'm not with him."
"Ok, well did they take you to the guest room to put your stuff away?"
"I didn't go anywhere but my bag somehow disappeared."
"Nice, I think Kevin to it to the guest room. Dani, would you mind showing her."
"No problem. Come on."
She leads me upstairs to a beautiful room.
"Wow, it's amazing in here."
"I know, I think this was the room I stayed in for the first time with Kevin. It's really nice and across from Nicks room."
"Ok. Thanks for showing me. And there's my bag."
She chuckles at me and leaves. I take a seat on my bed and just look around. It's amazing in here. I look at my phone and text mom that I'm here. I hear a knock at my door and see Nick looking at me.
"Hey Beautiful."
"So, did you see the whole house."
"Not yet, Dani just showed me to here. It's beautiful though."
"Why thank you. It's like a family house. After we turn 18, we technically each own a bit of the house. And when one of us gets married, so does the lucky lady."
"Nice, well are you going to show me around."
"Why not."
I get up and he holds his arm out and I wrap mine around his. He shows me around like he's a tour guide and once we reach my room again, I know the house pretty well.
"Any questions malady."
"One, but it's hot about the house. What's the next tour stop."
"Oh, tomorrow we have a stop in Dallas, then off to Vegas, then LA. Then we fly to Jersey for a night then back to LA. We wanted to make a early stop in Jersey so you could see your mom. Apparently that's how my brothers got your mom to agree to this I think."
"Lol, from what I know about Kev, that sounds like him."
"COMING MOM. Will you join me."
"I'm delighted."
I take his arm again and we head downstairs to the table. We take a seat with the rest of the family and say a prayer and eat. We had pasta for dinner and it was amazing. This family really does cook well. Once dinner was done, there parents told us to go to bed sense we had an early flight the next morning. Nick and I head upstairs and once we arrive at our rooms. He gives me a hug.
"Today was the best surprise yet!"
"Same. I'm lucky that I get to spend more time with you."
"Me too. Goodnight Beautiful."
"Night Nick."
I give him a kiss and walk into my room and shut the door. I head to the bathroom and shower then get changed. I get into bed and see that Nick texted me goodnight again and I laughed at that. I texted my mom goodnight even if we where an hour behind of them and she was already asleep. I put my phone down and turned over and fell asleep. Today was the best day. I got to see my boyfriend and best friend today for the first time in a month almost!
Hope you liked it.
Did you see Liz coming on tour with them?
I love writing this story and I hope you enjoy reading it!
(1532 words)

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