A New Friend

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• Language
• Trigger words (p*do/philia)

Shuichi's POV

I felt my fist clench, but if I hit him, I'd have to leave and I couldn't help Kokichi. I know that's what he wanted. I unclench my fist and take a breath," Fuck off Rantaro. We all know that you masturbate to-" I was interrupted by the teacher," That's enough! No more masturbation talk for the rest of the class period!" I whisper," Fuckin' avocado haired bitch." I feel someone looking at me now, I look around, it wasn't any of Kaede's people. Then I turn and look at Kokichi, he was holding in laughter, huh. I whisper," Was it that funny to you?" He nods and looks down at his drawing, it actually looks really good from where I'm sitting but who is it?

Ouma's POV

I use my arm to cover my paper, so Shuichi can't see it that easily. I add some finishing details to the sketch, it's Shuichi. I even added the Danganronpa pin he found on his shirt. I pull out the few art supplies I have in my bag and continue to improve the drawing, I look over at Shuichi's. I think it's...it's..I think it's me? I look down at my drawing. It's funny we're both drawing each other. The bell rings,"Okay class! Keep your sketches and work on them more at home, or don't if you don't..whatever." I fold the paper, and I was about to slide it into my pocket but suddenly I felt someone grab it, I expected it to be someone from Kaede's posse but,"Shuichi?" It was shuichi! "Wow, this is really good!" He looks at my drawing more before handing me his. It looked like me but,different? I was wearing a white shirt + white pants and what looked like some kind of black & white checkered bandana around my neck with the word "Danganronpa" behind me," I think that if you were to be in Danganronpa, your character would look something like this. Who knows maybe when they have tryouts I'll give it to them and it may really be your outfit!" Where did d get checkers fro- I look at my checkered bag as well as my checkered bracelets, oh. That's where he got checkered from. "My drawing is just, you." He smiles,"It still looks great! But, you better put it somewhere so Kaede or one of the others won't take it and destroy it." I nod, and slide the paper into my pocket.

Harukawa's POV
I see Shuichi walk out of the art classroom with a purple haired boy," Hey Shuichi!" I run towards him. I see him and the purple haired boy stop walking. I run up next to him," Who's this?" He looks at the short purple haired boy," Oh! This is Kokichi Ouma! He's new here!" He smiles, I haven't seen Shuichi smile in what feels like forever. I hold out my hand for him to shake it, he does so. "It's nice to meet you Kokichi! I'm Maki Harukawa." He smiles slightly,"It's nice to meet you too!" Suddenly I hear a deep voice behind me,"Wo-ho! Look at that ass!" I turn around. Kaito. "Heya. Don't turn around I was looking at something!" I feel my embarrassment rise,"Leave me alone,Kaito. This is basically p*doph*lia." He looks a bit angrier," Hey! I ain't no p*do, bitch!" I turn and face Kaito fully,"You'll be an adult soon, so yes. Yes it is." And I walk down the long dimly lit halls away from my friends and away from the creep.

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