Life at Home

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• Language
Drunk people
• Alcohol and smoking

Shuichi sighs and looks at his phone," Shit, 7. My parents will be home soon. should probably go home now." I nod,"O-okay, I should probably be getting back anyways." I get up and grab my bag, I start walking towards his door," Hey Kokichi?" I turn back," Hm?" He smiles a little," Wanna come back tomorrow to watch episode 2?" I smile," I'd love to! Saihara-Chan!" I see his face get slightly red," G-great! See you tomorrow at school!" I wave," See ya!"

Shuichi's POV
Huh, who knew the new kid would be so cu- Nice! Not cute, heh. I'm glad I checked the time when I did, or I would have been in a storm of trouble. I hear a knock at the door and rush to open it," Hey mom.." My mom walks in, she examines the room," Hmm..Shuichi?" I look down," Yes?" "Could you do the dishes before your dad gets home?" I nod and walk over to the sink and begin doing the dishes.

A little bit of time passes

"Hey mom! I finished the dishes!" I hear her shout back from another room," Thank you, Shu!" I begin to walk back to my room when I hear a loud pound at the door, I walk over and open the door. I find 2 officers at the door, both helping my dad stand straight," Hello, is this the Saihara household?" I nod. The other cop looks at me," I'm guessing your this man's son?" I nod again. One of the cops begins to explain," Your father was found wondering the streets around a local bar and he was kinda scaring people so we brought him back home. He's had too much to drink today." I nod,"Thank you, officers. You won't believe me but, this happens pretty often. It brings me so see my father like this.." the cops nod and shift my father onto me, I stumble under his weight. The officers tip their hats," Well, make sure to take care of him and try not to let this happen again." I nod and close the door. As soon as the door is closed I feel my dad's weight become lighter. He's standing now. I feel him look down on me," You wanna know something Shuuuuuichi?" I shake my head. His words slur," You, were an a-accident! Hahaha! We were gonna ab*rt you, but saaadly it was too.late." He makes a fake sad face, puppy dog eyes and all. I fake laugh," funny.." I suddenly feel a strong pain on my face, I've been hit, again.. I fall to the floor. I hear a loud ringing in my ears then everything goes black.

Kokichi's POV
I walk away from Shuichi's house. I'm kinda sad I have to go, I'd rather stay there then go back to my shitty house. Not that my house is shitty, just the people who live there. I walk for a little while till I reach my house. I see that there are some lights on. I walk over to my bedroom window, that I always keep unlocked. I open it from the outside and climb in. It doesn't look like anyone has been in here all day besides me, I check my door," Yep, still locked." I let out a sigh of relief and unlock the door and slowly open it," the TV is on and so is the kitchen light but that's it." I slowly and quietly walk out. I make it into the living room. I see my mom on the couch, glass in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I fake yawn and rub my eyes," H-hey mom.." she looks at me, examining every inch of me. She's very drunk, I can see it in her eyes. I then see her turn back to the TV and go "Hmph." I walk over to the refrigerator to grab something to drink, I hear footsteps come towards me but I think nothing of it, I suddenly yanked by my hair and thrown onto the floor," O-ouch.." I see my mom's drunken eyes in front of me," Who the fuck told you that you could even TOUCH the refrigerator? HUH?! I KNOW DAMN WELL IT WASNT ME? AND I KNOW IT WASNT YOUR DAD, SO WHO TOLD YOU, YOU COULD TOUCH.THE.REFRIGERATOR?!" I look down staring blankly, still in a bit of shock from the pain. I suddenly feel a sharp pain on my arm, she's burning me with her cigarette,"OW!" I yank my arm back. She reciprocates by slapping me,"You aren't hungry. Go back to your room!" I get up quickly and run back to my room. I notice that my head is bleeding a little, ohhh that's right, when she yanked my hair I hit the wall, and she yanked at my hair pretty hard. I suddenly feel the room begin to spin, I sit down on my bed and then it goes dark.

Author's Note!
Sooo you guys really seem to like this! I'm already at 1K reads which is kinda bizarre if you ask me and I'm in the Top 5 on a #! I'm going on a trip soon and the car ride is pretty long so I'll try my best to write a few chapters during that time! I think this is one of my longest chapters and kind of the saddest, just remember, this is based off of my personal Pregame DRV3 head canons. I'm so glad you guys enjoy the story and I'll be sure to keep updating!

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