♥︎ Author's Note ♥︎

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Hello! I'm Max/Rain (either name is fine!) I'm obviously the author of this Saiouma series. I haven't been updating as often as I use to when I first started this series. The reason being is because Saiouma/Oumasai was my comfort ship when I started this, but due to the fandom's toxicity, I no longer like it as much, instead I prefer ships such as Saimatsu, Himikichi/Oumeno, as well as Oumami, Saimami, Kiibosai, And Oumatsu. So, I may try to update my Himikichi story more and I may even start a few more ship fanfics. I have also recently got into the Black Butler fandom and I really like the characters especially Alois Trancy, so I might make a "Alois Trancy X Reader" type story because I find making "X Reader" stories very fun. Again, I'll try my best to continue to update this but please, go check out my other stuff as well, I have a Himikichi/Oumeno story (later updated: A new Alois Trancy x Reader)

Merci and Au Revoir~! ♥︎

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