A Day with Maki

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Recap - I pull out my phone out and I start texting Maki. After I finished I turned it off and I look at Ouma," Wait for it.." He cocks he head, questioning what I did, he's so cute... Finally a beep comes from my phone, and I check it and smile. I go to me & Maki's texts and I turn the screen for Ouma to read them.

Maki: Shuichi. Where the hell are you? You were suppose to be here like 5 minutes ago.

Shuichi: About to leave my house, but quick question?

Maki: What is it?

Shuichi: Well, Ouma-Kun kinda showed up at my house and I'm just wondering if....

Maki: If he can come too?

Shuichi: Yeah..

Maki: Sure, why not? He seems pretty cool, plus he can help us with the homework if he has it.

Shuichi: Thanks Maki-roll! Your the best :)

Maki: Yeah yeah, just don't take too long.

He smiles, excited,"Well, good thing I did bring my school bag, huh?" I nod,"Well, we should probably get going. Maki's place isn't too far from here." I start walking and Ouma follows behind.

Kokichi's POV

We begin to walk. We talk about trivial things like school but as always the conversation always reverted back to Danganronpa. Which I didn't really mind since I was pretty invested in the show now. Still, his deep investment in it was just a little concerning to the point where it was almost like he wanted to be slaughtered for someone else's pleasure. I perish the thought just as we arrive at Maki's house. Shuichi knocks on the door and she answers it," My parents are at work, we have the house to ourselves besides my brother. But he can entertain himself, we have homework for science, history, biology and math, we don't really have time to play around." Shuichi laughs as he walks in a sets his bag down," On top of it as always, Maki." She nods and sits down on the couch ," Oh! And hello to you, Kokichi" she smiles slightly, I smile back,"Hello Maki." Maki pulls some papers out of her bag and looks at them,"So, what should we start with?" Shuichi look at his papers and I look at mine. Shuichi sighs," Let's do math and get it out of the way, plus you're good at math Maki." She shakes her head, like a disappointed mother,"Alright then, math it is." We begin to work on the math homework, me and Maki barely struggle, Shuichi on the other hand struggled a bit. After a while we finished math and were interrupted by a small boy jumping onto Maki's lap. He smiled at her, he was quite cute and did look just like Maki so I immediately assumed it was her brother." Is this your brother, Maki?" Maki sighs,"Yes, this is Yuma. He's 3." I smile at him and he smiles back. Maki sets her brother down and looks at me and Shuichi," So, what's next? Math is done so we still need to do science, history and biology." I then look at the history assignment," I'm pretty good with history so, we could do it and get it done quick." Maki smiles and nods,"So history," and she begins to read off the first question, me answering promptly. Shuichi answers a few questions, getting 70% of them wrong but at least he was trying. Suddenly as Maki asks a question I feel a slight tug on my sleeve. I look down and see Yuma tugging on my sleeve and pointing towards something. I laugh a little," What's up, Yuma?" He points to a room and mumbles," Play." I giggle," Hey Maki, I'm gonna go play with your brother. Just yell the questions out to me and I'll answer." She shakes her head,"Okay, but you can't play with him for too long." I nod and get up and follow the small boy to his room. I sit down and play with him and his toys while Maki yells out questions for me to answer. We finish the history sheet rather quickly, I sigh and begin to stand up but then Yuma begins to whine a bit, so I call out to Maki," Do biology next! I'm not too good at that so you might not want me to help out on that one." I hear Shuichi finally speak up," Oh! I'm good at biology, I can help!" Maki and Shuichi then begin to work on the biology homework while I occupy Yuma. He hands me different things to play with him with, toy cars, blocks, you name it. I look around the boys room at the abundance of toys and look down a think, your parents must love you very much to get you all of this.. Suddenly I feel the boy tugging lightly on my hair, he pokes at it and laughs, I allow him to do it since it doesn't hurt. This goes on for a few minutes until Maki calls out to me," Hey Kokichi, come help us with science. We've done a few questions already but we still have a few left. If Yuma starts whining just carry him with you." I shout back," Alright I'm coming!" I begin to stand up and as if on cue, Yuma starts beginning to cry, I pick the boy up, and he begins to tug on my hair once again. I walk back to where Maki and Shuichi were sitting and sit down, still holding Yuma. Shuichi laughs," You must be pretty good with kids, Kokichi." I laugh,"I guess so, even when they pull my hair." Maki snaps at Yuma," Yuma. We don't pull hair. Stop it. I laugh,"It's okay Maki. It doesn't hurt. If it keeps him quiet while we do our work it's okay!" She sighs," If you say so, anyways.." she asks questions which me and Shuichi help answer. After a couple more minutes we finish. Shuichi begins to pack up his homework and I do the same. I sit Yuma down, and he begins whining," Aw, I'm sorry Yuma. I have to go soon.." Maki walks over and picks him up," He's probably just hungry. C'mon, I'll make you a sandwich or something." Shuichi nudges me," That kid took a liking to you pretty quick, eh?" I shrug," Maybe he's just like that to everyone." Shuichi shakes his head," Oh I've been coming here for a while now and he barely even acknowledges my existence." I laugh and throw my school bag over my shoulder," Maybe I just look nicer than you." I laugh as Shuichi drops his jaw and pretends to look upset," I'm so offended." He begins to stomp towards the door like a angry little kid. Maki shouts out," Bye guys! See you Monday." I wave to her and Yuma," Bye Maki, bye Yuma!" He smiles at me as a I close the door. Shuichi begins to walk back towards his house and a jog after him,"First one to your house gets to pick the Danganronpa episode we watch." He laughs and begins running towards his house, a lot faster than I could ever imagine to run. Still, I laugh, and enjoy this time with Saihara-Chan.

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