March 9- Club

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Remember when I said that classes were suspended according to the news?

Apparently, that was fake.


My classmates and I were so distressed, especially me because I was already on vacation mode, but we had to deal with it. The day passed by quickly, and the next thing I knew, it was already dismissal time. Well, for some of my classmates.

I still had club, and up to this day, I still wonder why I joined so many student activities.

It was the last day of our Gazette club, but there was still much to do. Our moderator, Ms. Nara, told us to continue with our projects— the one we were working on for several weeks for our website. This club included me, my close friend Jillian, and several students who were older than me. Even though Jillian and I were Grade 8 students and not the youngest in the school, we were the youngest in the club.

Everyone was working on their respective articles, except Jillian and I. We were already done with what we were supposed to do. We didn't really know what to do for two hours ( Our club was from 4 PM to 6 PM), but after a while we decided to play pick up sticks with the popsicle sticks we found on the classroom.

We played pick up sticks for around 30 minutes until we got bored. My clubmates were still working on their articles. Jillian and I then decided to play multiplayer games with our iPads. One game that we played was GamePigeon, and we played that for the quorum of the remaining time.

Time passed by and it was the end of the club session— our last club session. " I want to give you all something," Ms. Nara said and gave each of us a token of appreciation: a paper with words " I thank my God every time I remember you"
We said our thanks and after that, we closed our last club meeting with a closing prayer.

I felt sad that it was the last day of club meeting. It felt like yesterday when it was just the first year of the Gazette club, and now, it was the last.

But what I didn't know was that that club was my last activity and day in school for one month.

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