chapter four

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no one's pov

5h was on their way to the school of Dinah her little sister so suprise her bc the girls are just recently back from their tour and they have a little break. Dinah her little sister her name is Regina and she doesn't know that her sister is back in town on their break from tour. "Cheechee are you exited!" yelled Camila exited while she is eating a banana. "YASSS girl i missed my sister so much i just hope that there aren't top much people that recoognize us. I love them to death but i just want to see my sister in peace" Said Dinah back with the same energie like Camila. "It will be fine girl  but euhm.... we need to stop later for food bc i don't have any chickenwings anymore" said Normani first exited but the last part she was kinda sad. "girls" Ally got no response. "girls.... GIRLS!" she yelled. the girls jumped in their seat. "WHAT?!" 4/5 5h said. "First don't yell at me or i will trow a bible at you and wash your mouth with holy water and second we are here" you can guess who that was;) The little Sunshine Ally.

The door was opened by big Rob and the other 2 bodyguards stepped before theme and girls out of the van. A bodyguard stood on each side of the door. The girls stepped out but what Dinah hoped that didn't happen happend. There were many people waiting of walking by and they recognized the girls immediatly. The bodyguards tried theire best to hold the fans away from them so that not everyone got immidatly by them and the girls were bussy with the fans. Photos &  videos that sort things but then....

Dinah pov

Ugh i love the harmonizers but i just really hoped that i could see my sister without all the screaming fans. I tried my best with the girls to give all the fans attention but there were so many it was really hard. I saw in the corner of my i that a car parked next to the  van but i just thought that it were parents that came to pick up theire kids but i was so wrong. A really beautiful girl stepped out of the old car. She was really pretty and stunning. 'Damn she's pretty' i thought to myself i kept looking at the girl till she stood still in frond of the doors of the school. I turned my head a little to the girls and whispered "Girls Girls! You need to look at this". "Dinah wha-" The girls stopped themself when the saw the girls to. "Omg she's so pretty" said Lauren under her breath. We all just stood there... staring at here. It sounds really creepy but we just can't take our eyes of her. I saw that the girl noticed that someone was staring at her and she started to look around. "Ahw she's so cute" Said Ally. 'Yeah she really is' i said to myself. She turned her head a little more and she was eye to eye with us. I didn't have to look behind me to know that the girls were also still looking at her. She looked behind her to see if someting was there. Normani said  "Ahwww sooo cute" but i was really focused on her and i totally forgot the fans that were literally screaming and crying for our attention. I had to look away from her to the fans bc the became really upset and that became a problem for the bodyguards bc it got really hard to protect us bc of that. I was bussy again with the fans with the girls when i suddenly heard a guy screaming.We were pushed inside the van and from behind the window I looked for the person that was screaming and i saw that this guy was screaming at that beautiful girl and slapped her. "Omg i am going to give that bastard a polly beatdown bc he slapped her and now she has a blood nose!".  expected that i got a punch on my arm from Ally bc i cursed but she didn't. I looked at her and she has a angry face while looking at that man. We all have bc why tf would you slap her."Lauren call 9-1-1" Ally said and Lauren immediately called. I looked at the kids behind her and 1 was really familiar.  I looked closer at the kids and i gasped loudly. "OMG GIRLS REGINA IS THERE. SHE IS STANDIG BEHIND HER". All the girls looked imidatly to the kids and were shocked to see regina there. He grabbed something from behind him and we saw that it was a knife. 'No no no NO!' i thought. He suddenly stepped forward and stabbed her. "NOOO!" we all screamed in harmony.

 All the girls and i were glued to the window bc we weren't allowed to go outside now. We saw that he wanted to go to the kids but that girl didn't let that happen and punched him really hard. 'Damn girl' i said to myself bc that was one hell of a punch. He fell down to the ground knock out but the girl also fell down. I saw the little boy and girl running to her crying. I heard the police and ambulance but i focused on the girl never taking my eyes of her. She said something to the kids and blacked out. The were screaming at here. It could be her name but i can't hear it really good bc we were inside of the van. There was so much blood on the ground and she laid there... lifeless with that little boy and girl crying by her side. The people from the ambulence runned to the girl and carried her the ambulence and the people from the police arrested the man. We rushed outside and i ran to my little sister who was crying. "REGINA!" i yelled. She looked up and saw me and came running at me. She jumped on me and didn't let go i hugged her back with tears in my eyes. 'That girl saved her. i could have lost her. She is only 4 and i could have lost her already' i thought to myself. "D-D-Dinah bad man s-s-stabbed Y/n" Regina said crying. 'y/n is that the name of that girl?" asked Camila. "Yeah s-she is really nice and her sister and brother are my f-f-friends" she said. She suddenly let go "Follow me" Said Regina and sprinted to the boy and girl that were still on the ground were the girl her body was. We all walked to them. Ally sat also sat down next to the boy and girl that were still crying. "Hey little ones who are you?" she asked softly. "I-i-i am Jake and t-that is Lily" sai the little boy while he was holding on to the girl. "Okay Jake is there anyone who could get you here? Maybe your mother or father?" asked Lauren this time really sweet. "No, that man that was arrested was our dad and mom doesn't care. All we have is y/n"he said while he tried to wipe all the tears away from his eyes. The girl was really quite and just looked at the spot were her sister was lying. 'How can you do that to your own children. How can you stab your daughter?' i said in my head. "Can we pls go see y/n" said Regina while there were tears running down her face. "Ofc sweety" I said. "Jake, Lily i am Dinah and that is Camila, Lauren, Normani and Ally and we are Fifth harmony" "We know our sister Always talks abt your Band"Said the girl this time while looking up. She has really red eyes bc she cried alot. "Do you want to go to your sister?" asked Ally the kids and the said immediately Yes and stood up. We all walked quickly  to the van. 'Why? Why did this happen?' i asked myself but i didn't know it. hoppefully'the girl will be alright bc i really want to get to know her. "Why?" i asked out loud while i stepped in the van.

The girls (5H) pov



Hey guys;)

Srry it took me so long to update but i have it really bussy with all my homework now bc of the corona virus. I have so much and i don't have much time but i hope i can do update the story more again. Pleace vote for my story and leave a comment abt what you like the most in the story to this point :)

Love y'all! Stay safe xx

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