Chapter eighth

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Y/N pov.

'Oh my God, Damn finally i can go.. home? Ugh where do i need to go. Jake, Lily and me can crash in a hotelroom i guess. Atleast untill i have fulll custody of my siblings' i tought to myself. I started to put alll my clothes in the bag from the cabinet that's right next to my bed in the hospitel. 'Ok alr. The girls are coming with Jake and Lily and then... idk' i said in my head. My siblings stayed for the past time in the 5H house. The girls said the would do it again  without hesitance for me. I blushed bc of that amd bc all 5 were directly  staring in my eyes when they said that and when i looked down at the floor Camila pushed  my head up again. The all said in harmony. "Hey beautiful, eyes up we want to see it. Otherwise we will be jealous at the floor" They said with a joke on the end.

I snapped out of my thoughts when i heard my door open and  it revealed the girls and my little monkeys. Jake and Lily ran to me and hugged me like i could dissappear any moment. "You are the best big sister that we could ask for and i love you" said Lily. "I love you big sister you are me hero" said Jack. I fell to my knees on the floor crying while i hugged my little sister and brother very tight.. "I love you guys to. You guys are my little monkeys and i will do everything to protect you guys" i said while i was crying my eyes out. I heard little sniffs and i looked in that direction. I came eye to eye with a crying 5H. They all had tears rolling down there cheeks and the all looked at me.  I was a little confused bc i didn't see Regina anywhere. "where is R-Regina?' i asked them while i started to get up but Jake and Lily didn't want to let go, so i ended up standing up with 2 kids clinging to me while i tried to support them bc i didn't want to fall. It huted me bc the wound was still healing. The girls saw that and the took Jake and Lily of me saying that i still had pain. They quickly said that they were sorry and looked with guilty eyes at me. "Ahw guys no problem" i said while i weree giving them a kiss on the cheek. "Ohw Regina she is in school. She was really angry that she couldn't come" said Dinah while laughing at the memory of her angry little sister.

"Alr little monkeys say thank you to the girls for letting you stay with them" i said and they did like i told them. "Ahw it's alr guys" said the cicken Wings Queen. "Hey do you want some candy?" i asked them and they nodded both very quick. I gave them some money for candy and kissed them on there forheads and they run out, I looked back up at the girls after they were out of the room. "But like..... where are you going now?" asked the Sunshine. "Omg pls don't say that you are going back to your parents!" asked a worried Camila. I laughed and said. "No camila i am definitetly not. Mmmm i think i am going to ahotel with them. I have some cash over from last month bc they didn't needed that month so much clothes". "Uhm you can i mean you all can stay for a some time at out house" said a shy Lauren. I was really suprised that she was shy abt it. Like she is The badass of the group and now she looks like a puppy. 'wait did she first only said you. Meh it was probably nothing' i convinced myself and said. "Are you sure guys? I really don't want to be a burden". You would never be a burden y/n remember that. "We will Always be there for you" says Dinah while grabbing my hand in her hands and looking straight into my eyes. "Alr then, thank you all so much" and i hugged Dinah but i needed to stand on my toes bc Dinah was a lot taller then me.

She was shocked first but hugged back eventuly. I pulled back and kissed her cheek. "Thank you so so so much". She turned red and stutterd a "n-n-n-o pr-r-oblrm". I looked at the other girls and they were all glaring at Dinah. 'Why is Dinah blushing and why are they glaring?' i said in my head but i didn't think much of it. I walked to the other girls and all hugged them and kissed there cheeks with a 'thank you'to all of them when i let go of them. The all blushed and looked down while stuttering like Dinah. "N-n-no p-problem y/n" they all said. "Hy hey look up. Why does the floor get to see all your beautiful faces and not me. They all looked up at me. They were all even more red now.

"Come guys. I'm going to start searching for my little sister and brother" and i started to walk to the door but the girls weren't accepting it. "Ah No Y/n go sit down in the wheelchair and THEN we will search for your siblings" said Ally while looking me straight into her eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat but i ignored it bc it happens all the time when they just look into my eyes or touch for example my arm or hands. "Okay Sunshine what you want" i said while walking back and sitting down in the wheelchair. I looked at them and i smiled. "Well let's go then" i said. Dinah walked to the wheelchair and started to push it. All i could think abt w as 'Omg why do i feel safe and loved around them so quickly?' but i couldn't find a answer for it.

Nobody pov

While Dinah was pushing the wheelchair all the girls were looking at y/n. Not in a creepy way but like in a.. loving way. They all felt the need to protect her and that was a promise they made in silence to y/n. To love her and protect her.

The girls pov

'Omg how can i love her already this much? Omg she will be they death of me' they all thought to themself while looking at y/n with a smile.


Hey guys;)!!!!

Soooo i hope you like it. The second chapter will be on wattpad in a few hours soooo... YAY:)!!!. Pls vote and comment and also pls share the storie. It would mean a lot to me. Also i wanted to ask you guys something... Do you guys want like smut or sexueel things in it? Let me know pls :)

Love y'all xx

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