6 Talks

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-----Your Pov-----

"Am I special to you?"
That question was one you had answered in your head many times. The answer was so clear to you
He sounded a bit embarrased and disappointed, he probably thought that your answer was no. You hug him as tight as you can catching him off guard.
"Of course! Your so important to me. I adore you!"
He hugged you back and you sat there for a bit. Just hugging Jack a warm sensation going through your body. You felt at peace, this is were you are supposed to be. This is what was ment to happen!

-----Time Sikp To A Few Weeks Later-----

You had became good friends with Jeff and BEN you were just starting to get to know the others, but you were able to talk to BEN and Jeff about anything and they wouldn't juge you.

You were sitting on the couch next to Jack you felt that someone was watching you. You look around and see no one was looking at you. You ignored it and told Jack you were going to go get some rest. He nodded and you went to Jack's room you had left the door creaked open so you could see out side of Jack's room. You suddenly fealing like you need to talk to Jeff.

"Hey Jeff?"
"What's up, (y/n)?"
He said opening the door. To show a really messy room with stuff everywhere! When you take a closer look you see BEN standing it the doorwayto to Jeff's bathroom.
"Can we talk?"
"Umm sure I don't see why not?"
He moves letting you in his room. You sit down on his bed after checking that it's somewhat clean.
"So what did you want to talk about?"
He said looking at me. BEN walked over and sat down on the bed next to me. You were sitting in between the 2 guys getting ready to tell them what you had to say.
"I think..."
"You think what?"
BEN interrupted, looking at you.
"I think I like Jack!"
You blurt it out so that you can get it over with. They suddenly started laughing.
"What's so funny?"
Jeff was the first to answer.
"It's so obvious you like him!"
"It is?!"
"Well yea, no kidding!"
BEN stoped laughing and looked at me Jeff did the same.
"Look I'm sure Jack has no idea that you like him, you should be cool."
Jeff's words made you feel better
"What should I do tho?"
You looked at Jeff sience he was the least flirty.
"I say tell him when the time is right."
Jeff's already huge smile seamed to spread wider across his face and play punched you in the shoulder.
Just to bug him you punched BEN in the shoulder as well he tried to punch you back but Jeff stoped him.
BEN glared at Jeff and he stood up.
"Look BEN since (y/n) has picked to be Jack's girl that means that it is now my responsibility to make sure perverts like you don't touch her."
You all star laughing at Jeff's dumb joke. "Yea right Jeff your just as much a pervert as BEN!"
Jeff pretend to be offended as you and BEN started dying of laughter. The door opened and Jack was standing at the entrance.
"What are you guys doing?"
Jack asked in a half pissed half concerned tone.
"Well you see (y/n) was just telling us that she really likes-"
Jeff slapped BEN in the mouth causing him to shut up.
"Well anyway I wanted to see why you were being so loud, and (y/n) didn't you say that you were going to go to bed?"
"Um yea I'm coming right now"
You follow Jack out of the room. Once you guys get to your room he closed the door behind you and grabbed your wrist.
He pulled you close to him and he hugged you. You hugged him back not wanting to be rude and you could feel his hot breath on your ear as he whispered
"(Y/n), please don't let go..."


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