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I walked out of the detention room in my black leather jacket with my backpack hanging off my shoulder. The hallways were practically empty and it was getting late. I walked to the entrance and stepped out. The day before my motorbike had been taken to the repair shop so now I had no option but to walk home.

I could call Bethanie to come pick me up but I didn't think that was necessary since she was usually busy at this time with her part-time job. I began walking down the sidewalk, heading home then stopped abruptly. I decided to take a detour to the workshop just to check up on the bike and maybe grab some food at the grocery store.

I turned and walked the opposite direction, towards the mechanic's workshop. On the way to the workshop, I had to go through an alley that wasn't too dark and unused so it seemed safe. I walked into it and moved towards the other side, still thinking it was safe but soon I realized how wrong I was.

As I stepped closer to the other end, I felt someone watching me so I walked faster. I was about to walk out completely when I felt a heavy hand clamp onto my free shoulder. Instantly, I spun around to see the culprit only to have a cloth pressed unto my nose. Unfortunately, I took in a breath and suddenly felt dizzy. My knees gave way beneath me and I slumped into someone's arms.

"Finally found you," was all I heard before I passed out.


Before I opened my eyes I knew I was going to have a head-splitting headache so when I opened my eyes and felt the searing pain in my head, I wasn't surprised. What actually surprised me was where I was. I was seated in a corner in a cell that held nine other women who were visibly shaken and frightened.

Where the hell was I? I had been kidnapped? For what? Was I safe? Who were these people? were the thoughts that run through my mind.

I heard someone shift beside me. I turned that direction to see a blue-eyed woman who was staring at me. I watched her as she watched me, both of us not saying a thing.

"I'm Marina. Who are you?", she said after a while of staring.

"Laiela", I said cautiously.

"You are not from around here, are you?"

"Here being?"




"And where the heck is that?"

"So I take it you are not from around here then" , she chuckled.


"So where? Your accent is very peculiar."

"I'm from Lakeville."

"Where is that?"

"In America."

"America. Never heard of it?"

"What?", I asked, surprised and she only shrugged it off. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

Where the hell was I?

"And where is Astrae located?", I asked.

"Oh, it's found between Terraeum and Rarrae. I'm from Terraeum."

Terraeum and Rarrae? Seriously, where the hell was I?

I looked at Marina who was also looking at me intently. I wondered if she had been kidnapped or was here by free will because she didn't look as scared and frightened as the other girls in the cell.

Chase - J. JonesWhere stories live. Discover now