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I slammed the door to my study and slumped into my chair. I groaned, rubbing my temples. I couldn't believe how that human made me lose control over Axel. At a crucial moment in our lives, I didn't need an overbearing wolf on the loose.

"Who are you calling overbearing?"

I rolled my eyes at the voice. I felt him moving around in my mind, unsettled.

"Well, I don't need you showing up at times like this, Axel. I can handle this."

"Handle this? You call this handling it. You need me, Roman. I'm a part of you. I'm the Alpha. You need me."

"As I said, overbearing," I said to him.

A sharp flash of pain flashed through my head and I growled in pain. I could feel him being pleased with the effect he had on me. But yet he continued to rove around.

"You say you can handle this, yet our mate runs around unmarked," he spat.

"She's human. Weak. She wouldn't be able to withstand it."

"She's our mate. We both know that's not the reason why you're fighting the mate bond. Don't be stupid. Leave the past in the past. If you want to continue using the excuse of humans being weaker, I will not hesitate to take over and claim her as mine. And what I decide to do after will be yours to handle."

The mental conversation ended abruptly as Axel settled. I growled in annoyance and stood abruptly. I was going to go for a run. I needed to clear my mind and get things straightened.



I was back in the kitchen, back at the island. I couldn't wrap my mind around what just happened. How was I fascinated by switching eyes colors and not frightened by wolf-shifting men was beyond me?

His eyes changed color. Totally. From grey to black. His pupils didn't dilate. His eyes completely changed color from grey to black. Completely.

Goosebumps rose on my skin as I replayed the scene in my mind again. Soon I was pulled out of my reverie by Octavia's voice.

"What?", I asked, blinking, confused.

She chuckled then repeated what she had said.

"Food is ready."

She placed a plate of spaghetti and sauce in front of me and I could already feel my mouth watering. My tummy growled in reaction to the sight. She chuckled again the watched me, smiling.

"Spaghetti bolognese. The house special. I hope you like it", she said, sitting opposite me.

"I already love it and I haven't even taken a bite."

"Well then, dig in."

I took my first bite and moaned in delight.

"This tastes heavenly. It's delicious. Very. Oh gosh", I managed out, between bites.

"Thanks", she said smiling at me.

It didn't take long for me to finish up, not surprising. After, Octavia didn't allow me to do the dishes so I had to sit and wait for her to finish. I had decided that it was time to ask her what o needed to know.

Soon she was done and sat back down opposite me. She watched me then said,

"You have a lot of questions. About, all this, don't you?"

Chase - J. JonesWhere stories live. Discover now